Belgium opens the scoring against England in the small final (1-0)


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16h04 : Opening of the express score of Belgium! Eden Hazard on the left side, center for Thomas Meunier, the back side that missed so much against France and close-range (tibia)! The English defense gives in a few minutes! 1-0 for the Red Devils !

16h02 : If you prefer the handlebar pushers to the pumpkin pumps, know that we are 15 km from the arrival in Amiens (and that it will be played in the sprint, we will keep you informed in this live). The direct video is that way.

16h01 : "It is already a great pleasure and a privilege to play such a match, there is nothing more beautiful, more It's a good idea for a professional footballer to play in a World Cup final.The three important words are: serenity, confidence and concentration.It takes a good mix of all three to prepare for tomorrow's final. "

Didier's turn Deschamps to answer the questions of the press

16h01 : " Danijel Subasic was remarkable throughout the tournament in this area.Before there is a fight to be fought, a lot of energy But we know that – that's what makes us strong from the beginning the mind plays a very important role in this competition. "

A journalist questions Hugo Lloris on possible shootings. He recalls that the Croatian Danijel Subasic is very strong in the exercise, but that the French goalkeeper too. This compliment makes the French guard smile. It must be said that Hugo Lloris is sometimes criticized on this point.


16h00 : It left between Belgium and England for this small final of the World Cup (and the penultimate game of the competition, as time goes on).

16h00 : @anonyme I do not know, probably the Belgians who wanted to play in yellow, and forced the English to use their outfit.

15h59 : Hello, can you tell me why the Belgians are in yellow? Thank you in advance:!

15h58 : @anonymous Not so much, think back to the 2002 World Cup where Turkey had twice played Brazil, or the Euro 2012 where Spain and Italy played in pools, then in the final

15h57 : It is rather rare that two teams meet twice at a world cup no?

15h56 : The hymns sound in the stadium Krevstovsky of St. Petersburg.

15:55 : @Gazon Absolutely, there are no less than seven trophies annexed on the sidelines of this Cup of the world, including the Golden Shoe.

15h54 : The match of the two best scorers of the competition Kane and Lukaku, hope that it is a good match. The top scorer will have a trophy?

15:52 : Hello. 2-0 for Belgium. The English have not had any play actions since the beginning. Especially kicks stopped. Do you have the direct of the press conference of the Blues?

15h52 : I am largely for Belgium, the English do not deserve to be in the small final. Go the Belgians!

15h51 : I'm leaning for a 2-1 for England!

15h51 : Many of you send me your predictions in the comments.

15h50 : Hugo #Lloris in a press conference: "we are in our bubble. We are aware of what is happening in France. Far from the idea of ​​believing it already " @ Europe1 #FRACRO

15h50 : While optimism wins the French fans before the final, Hugo Lloris prefers to keep his cool . "We are in a bubble [même si] obviously, we are aware of what is happening in France." The guard evokes a "very high quality opponent, who has as much merit as we are in the final ".

15h50 : We also keep an eye on the press conference of the Blues with Hugo Lloris and Didier Deschamps on the program.

15h47 : Victory of Belgium 1-0

15h47 : I think that the 2 teams will give everything and in the end I see Belgium winner!

15h47 : Go the Belgians on the podium … The whole of France is behind you.

15h47 : So, the prognosis of the editorial staff take into account this factor, and rely largely on a burst of Belgian pride.

The Belgian team: Thomas Baïetto and Vincent Lenoir (3-0), Jérôme Comin and Clément Parrot (3-1), Louis Boy (2-0), and myself (4-1).

The English team : Mohamed Belmaza (2-1).

15h41 : At the editorial board, the debate rages to determine which team will be the most motivated for this small final. It is often at the mental level that this match between two disappointed teams is played. Four years ago, a demobilized Brazil sank against the Netherlands (0-3). In contrast, we remember a superb small final between Turkey and South Korea in 2002 between two teams who had given everything.

15h39 : FORMATIONS // #BELENG // #WorldCup ???

15h39 : The compositions of the two teams have just fallen: England changes all his midfield, who has sinned against Croatia, while the Belgian coach Roberto Martinez changes only one player: Yuri Tielemens, the middle of Monaco, takes the place of Marouane Fellaini

15h19 : Before tomorrow's match, franceinfo asked fervent supporters what were their superstitions and beliefs. Here is the result


2:47 pm : "I bring you speaks of a time that the under-20s can not know " sings Charles Aznavour. On July 12, 1998, France was crowned world champion. But what were the current Blues doing on this historic day? The average age of the 2018 team is 25 ½ years old. One of them was not even born. And many do not remember this evening. I do not hide it, this article put me a shot of old.


13h54 : IT HAS THE ENCLOSURE !! !!!!

13h54 : After the semi-final against Belgium, Presnel Kimpembé, DJ number one of the Blues, had "reproached" Antoine Griezmann for having forgotten the enclosure. The striker of the Blues did not miss this time, if we believe the images posted by the FFF on Instagram.

13h37 : Rest badured @saccado my colleague Pierre Godon, who will replace me at 16 hours, will make you live this game Belgium-England live.

13h37 : No article about the "small final" this afternoon? We are interested in football only if there is France? It would make me almost regret that France has qualified – especially that the Belgians are our friends.

09h22 : The Equipe Magazine gives an appointment to the players and supporters of the France team with this beautiful photo.

11:11 : The final of the World Cup is on the front page of the vast majority of newspapers this morning. The Parisian dwells on the coach Didier Deschamps

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