Benalla affair: Emmanuel Macron's three-step response


The political, media and judicial soap opera about Alexandre Benalla continues unabated since July 18, date of the article of World identifying "a Macron collaborator hitting a protester". A case evolving according to the judicial inquiry, confrontations between opposition and majority, and hearings of the various protagonists before the committees of the Laws of the Senate and the Assembly.

A commotion at the center of which Emmanuel Macron crystallizes The critics. If initially the Head of State has, by his silence, seemed embarrbaded by the bloodshed of his official, the strategy seems to have changed since Tuesday. Multiplying speaking out in front of the media, the time is ripe for the president.

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1: taking responsibility before his majority, Tuesday

"The only person responsible for this case is me and I alone! Emmanuel Macron came out with a roar of silence Tuesday, July 24, after an electric day in Parliament. "If they want a leader, he is in front of you, they come to get him," then launched, brave, the head of state before his government and its parliamentary majority, almost complete. While he remained silent after several days of disorder, blockages and tensions, Emmanuel Macron illustrates his change of strategy, choosing a pot of end of parliamentary session at the House of Latin America in Paris to express himself. One way to show that he is still master of the clocks and captain of the ship. A defense then resolutely turned towards taking responsibility for the "head" of the state.

Read also Macron comes out of his silence and says he is "the only person in charge" of the Benalla affair

"You can not be a leader in good weather and escape when the weather is difficult," he said in his speech. "The one who trusted Alexandre Benalla is me, the President of the Republic. The one who knew and validated the order, the sanction of my subordinates, it is me and nobody else ", hammered the head of the State, affirming that" nobody was never protected "

Ironically, he began his speech tonight claiming that "Alexandre Benalla has never held the nuclear codes, Alexandre Benalla has never occupied a 300 m2 apartment at the Alma, Alexandre Benalla has never won 10,000 euros, nor has Alexander Benalla been my lover. " Denouncing "the Republic of the fuses, the Republic of hatred, the one where you have a staff clink here, a collaborator there," Emmanuel Macron also supported his "teams at the Elysee," who "did what they had to do. The simple dismissal of 15 days of Alexander Benalla is "proportionate at that time and I badume," he defended. But the president also evoked his feeling of "disappointment" and "betrayal" after the acts of Alexander Benalla, described by the macronia as "an individual drift" and not "a matter of state."

2: a counterattack against the media, Wednesday

A day later, Wednesday, July 25, Emmanuel Macron began to make the blows, accusing the media of telling "nonsense" about the Benalla affair. He enjoys an aside during a walkabout in Bagneres-de-Bigorre, in the Hautes-Pyrenees, where he was traveling. "You have said in recent days a lot of nonsense about so-called wages, benefits. All this was wrong, "the head of state told reporters of BFM TV and CNEWS, the only ones present on this stage that was not scheduled on his agenda. "I have seen in recent days a lot of people losing their minds with disproportionate reactions and violence …", regretted Emmanuel Macron, castigating the search for "a political trial on the basis of a case that is sad, but that is the business of a man. "

Read also Case Benalla: a disappointment named Emmanuel Macron

As the day before, Emmanuel Macron also wished to reaffirm that he badumes his choices. "I'm proud to have hired him at the Élysée," he said as a provocation, "because he is someone who is dedicated and has a different background (…)". The head of state also repeated that the dismissal of 15 days imposed on Alexander Benalla was "proportionate". "Otherwise, I would have asked them to take another," he said, referring to the officials of his cabinet who proposed him the penalty.

Alexandre Benalla "made a real mistake, serious, that I lived as a betrayal. He was sanctioned for this fault. He then resumed work in accordance with this sanction. When he made a second mistake, he was sanctioned harder, by a dismissal ", decided the head of the State.

3: clearance of the case, Thursday

The third stage of the response of Emmanuel Macron consisted this Thursday to clear the case, described as "storm in a glbad of water", with Agence France-Presse, on the sidelines of a trip to Campan, in the Hautes-Pyrénées . "I said what I had to say, that I think it's a storm in a glbad of water. And for many, it's a storm under a skull, "said the president, before meeting a delegation of farmers.

See also Case Benalla: a contradiction named Macron

"Me, it does not affect me much, do not worry, here I am with my fellow citizens," added Emmanuel Macron, who took advantage of a crowd before the Mayor of Campan, before taking a selfie with scouts from France. When someone said, "Hello Manu! The President replied, with a smile, "Oh no, do not provocatively! "Way not to replicate the muscular exchange he had with a teenager last June. One controversy at a time

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