Benalla case: five indictments, "unacceptable" facts for Macron


Paris – Emmanuel Macron condemned Sunday evening "unacceptable" facts during a crisis meeting at the Elysee, after the indictments of five men including his former collaborator Alexandre Benalla, originally a political crisis that paralyzes the Assembly.

According to the Head of State, who will speak publicly " when he deems it useful ", " there was no and there will be no impunity ", reported his close entourage, after a meeting that brought together the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior, the spokesman of the government and the Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament .

According to the same source, the president asked the secretary general of the Elysee to " lead the reorganization to prevent such a dysfunction recurring ", while Mr. Benalla, filmed by train hitting or mistreating protesters on May 1, was first laid off in May before being fired on Friday.

Alexandre Benalla and LREM employee Vincent Crase, filmed with him during the Labor Day, were indicted for " violence in meetings ".

Three police officers, already suspended for transmitting video surveillance footage to Mr. Benalla, were also indicted, in particular for " violation of professional secrecy ".

All five were placed under judicial control, in accordance with the prosecution's submissions.

The woman and the man beaten on May 1 asked to be heard later by the investigators.

While the revelations follow one another in this file, in particular on the advantages granted to the former employee of 26 years (from a house of office quai Branly to a badge to access the hemicycle of the Palais Bourbon), the head of state, faced with its most serious political crisis since the beginning of the five-year period, had until then remained silent.

According to the Journal du Dimanche, Emmanuel Macron has spoken to Mr. Benalla on the phone since the revelations of Le Monde on Wednesday evening.

While the spokesman of the Elysee Bruno Roger-Petit said Thursday that he was, after May 1, " removed from office in matters of organization of the security of the movements of the President ", Mr. Benalla appears on several recent photographs alongside Mr. Macron or the presidential couple, including July 13 in Giverny (Eure).

The tenors of the opposition went to the front to ask the president " accounts ", in the words of Laurent Wauquiez (LR). For the leader of the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the case is " of the level of Watergate ".

– Uncertainties in the Assembly –

The Minister of the Interior must explain for his part Monday at 10:00 am before the Committee on the Laws of the Assembly, which has the prerogatives of investigation. Opposition MPs, who accuse him of lying last Thursday in the Senate, will not fail to put him on the grill.

The minister will also Tuesday before the Senate commission of inquiry, which could also hear on Wednesday the chief of staff of the President of the Republic Patrick Strzoda, according to parliamentary sources.

The Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet announced Sunday morning before the Assembly the suspension until further notice of the examination of the constitutional revision wanted by Emmanuel Macron, for " to resume later under more serene ", as claimed by the opposition.

Assembly Speaker François de Rugy (LREM) badured that he would do " all for the constitutional reform to succeed ", but this one, accused of weakening the Parliament, has lead in the wing.

" That the president submit his constitutional reform to referendum It is up to the people to decide its institutions ", pleaded Mr. Mélenchon on BFMTV.

The examination of this text was blocked since Thursday evening by an endless succession of " recalls to the rules " and suspension of session, around what the boss of the group LR Christian Jacob calls the " Macron-Benalla case ".

In a tense atmosphere, the opposition again demanded in the morning the arrival of the Prime Minister in the hemicycle, or " at least " of the Secretary of State for Relations with Parliament.

The elected UDI-Agir had already decided to no longer " participate in this sad spectacle ". An unprecedented scene marked the spirits: Hall of the Four Columns, Saturday at the end of the day, the President of the National Rally Marine Le Pen and Christophe Castaner had a sharp altercation, the first lamenting that his " LREM friends refuse "to summon him before the commission of inquiry.

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