Benalla case: Griveaux promises changes in the autumn


The review of the constitutional review in Parliament may be off-set because of the Benalla case, but it will indeed take place. This is a promise of Benjamin Griveaux, who spoke Wednesday before reporters after the Council of Ministers. The spokesman of the government came back on the controversy implicating a collaborator of Emmanuel Macron and on the words of the president of the Republic pronounced Tuesday since the House of Latin America.

According to Benjamin Griveaux, with the shift of the review of the constitutional revision by the deputies and senators, the political oppositions to the majority "won there a tactical battle". "But we will do this revision and we know that they do not want it, do not want it, because (…), as part of this revision, there is one element which is that of reducing the number of our oppositions are fiercely opposed, "he continued.

Read also. Benalla case: a contradiction named Macron

What real timetable for the reform?

"All the lessons" of the Benalla affair will be "drawn in September" and "profound changes will intervene", also added the spokesman of the Élysée . These lessons will be learned "once the dysfunctions have been clearly established", including the Secretary General of the Elysee Alexis Kohler, charged with this mission by the president, he added. Alexis Kohler to be heard Thursday by the Senate Law Commission.

Read also. Benalla case: Christian Jacob demands accountability from François de Rugy

The Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, badured Tuesday in the Assembly that the executive does not "renounce" to keep the commitments made "to reform the institutions, despite the postponement of the end of the year. review of the constitutional revision. The Speaker LR of the Senate, Gerard Larcher, for its part estimated Wednesday in an interview with Figaro that "this reform has no timetable." "It's a collateral victim of the Contrescarpe! I do not see how we could examine this constitutional revision before the end of the year, "he said.

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