Benalla, Crase and three police officers transferred to the prosecution


The one who Saturday gave orders arrogantly to all the gratin of the police and the gendarmerie, had to answer wisely questions of the investigators of the Parisian PJ. Placed in custody on Friday morning, dismissed by the Elysee Friday afternoon, Alexandre Benalla, deputy chief of the cabinet Emmanuel Macron, had to explain violence and usurpation of function at the demonstration last May 1

This loyal lieutenant of the President of the Republic was invited as an observer in the police system to supervise the parades of the Labor Day and a video showed him mistreating two protesters. While the facts were known as early as May 2 from the Paris police headquarters and the Ministry of the Interior, the Paris prosecutor's office took the initiative Thursday to open a preliminary investigation after the revelations of the World

The residence of Alexandre Benalla in Issy-les-Moulineaux was raided in his presence this Saturday. According to our information, no weapon, confidential document or police material has been discovered. Unfortunate telescoping event: he was to be married that same day at 11 am in the same town, as revealed by the site of M 6. About fifty people were to attend the ceremony including some employees of the Elysee, but not the presidential couple.

The "referent" of Benalla heard as a witness

The gendarmerie reservist, Vincent Crase, invited to the marriage finally found his friend in custody. Employee of the Republic Marche while collaborating in the security of the Elysee, the man is also suspected of brutality, May 1. The custody of the two men ended on Saturday night, they were to be deferred on Sunday, and open judicial investigation. Meanwhile, the alleged victims of this violence – a man and a woman – have been identified by the authorities through identity checks carried out on the day of the events. They have indicated that they wish to be heard.

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The illegitimate violence of these two men led to cascading repercussions. The three police officers suspended on suspicion – a Comptroller General, a commissioner and a commander – for handing over to Alexandre Benalla on Wednesday evening, the video-surveillance images for him to prepare his defense were placed in police custody on Saturday. the General Inspectorate of the National Police, co-seizure of the inquiry

"My client does not intend to evade any question, and in particular that which is essential for understanding this file, the obvious proximity to the young commissioner 'he is, between the highest police hierarchy and Mr Benalla' tweeted Me Thibault de Montbrial.

3 / my client the Commissioner Creusat does not dodge any question, and especially that, essential to understand this file, of the obvious proximity to the young commissioner he is, between the highest police hierarchy and Mr. #Benalla @ MI2avocats (4/4)

– Thiba More deMontbrial (@MontbrialAvocat) July 21, 2018

The three executives of the Paris police headquarters were also to be deported after their detention on Sunday. A fourth official, the referent major of the chargé de mission at the Élysée on May 1st, was heard as a witness, as we revealed. He explained that he found himself helpless in the face of Benalla's violent behavior and did not have the guts to intervene given his status at the Élysée …

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