Benalla denies giving the order to accelerate the bus of the Blues on the Fields


Alexandre Benalla explains himself. In a long interview granted to World the now ex-charge of the Elysee's mission has notably returned to his role during the festivities of the team of France on Monday, July 16, in Paris, to celebrate the

He badures that unlike what indicated The Chained Duck this week, he did not ask that the parade by bus on the Champs-Elysees be done quickly so that the players join Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace just before the 8 pm newspaper.

"I do not take care of the players' luggage!"

Why was Benalla then present on the bus, sometimes right next to Didier Deschamps? "Because all the delicate missions are for me, but I no longer participate in the president's travel," he replied, "As for the bus of the Blues, I set up the preparatory meetings but I did not give the order to speed up the pace of the bus! I'm just here to inform the Elysee if there is a problem and I do not take care of the luggage of the players! "

See also >> French team: descent of the Champs-Elysées, Crillon … Graët answers the polemics

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