Bethesda does not wish to propose a remake of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind


Studio boss Todd Howard prefers players to discover the game as it was at the time

Bethesda shines with many licenses. But the one that built its success is none other than The Elder Scrolls, whose last episode – Skyrim – was declined on countless consoles and supports (even the connected speaker of Amazon!). But here it is: many regret the time when The Elder Scrolls was much less accessible, centered on gamers coming for an immersive solo experience. Morrowind, the third episode, proposed such a thing. So much to say that at the time of the redo of cult games (Capcom and his Resident Evil 2 …), players can only hope for a remake of a very popular episode.

A remake that will not happen

In any case, this explains Bethesda through the voice of his boss, Todd Howard, in an interview for The Guardian. For humans, discovering Morrowind via its original format is much more interesting. It must be said that the boss is looking to the future – he said recently that the virtual reality is the future of the video game and that his next generation will be more accessible. In other words, playing the nostalgia game with TES III is not on the agenda!

I'm glad that Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are making retro games available to players. I prefer this solution to remakes. But I also prefer that you play Morrowind as it was at the time. The age of the title is part of him. For Morrowind, I prefer not to develop a remake.

In other words, if a player wants to discover Morrowind, it will have to be done in the conditions of the time – so with its outdated graphics (even if mods exist). In the end, it's not so much the graphic quality that takes precedence but the writing of this exceptional TES to the magnificent artistic direction. A hit recommended for all roleplaying fans!

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