Bicycle: the government track to prevent massive thefts





on 21.07.2018 at 17h24


Every year in France, 400,000 bicycles are stolen, or 1000 per day. The government could announce in December a moped measure, which would consist of "imposing a unique identification number engraved, glued or welded to the frame of the new bicycles", according to the Parisien information.


Annually in France, 400,000 bicycles are stolen per year, or 1000 per day

Stefano Rellandini

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Every year in France, 400,000 bicycles are stolen per year, or 1,000 per day


Those who have never hesitated to return to the metro or their scooter after stealing their bikes, point out each year, 400,000 bicycles are stolen per year, or 1000 per day, most of In the big cities, this unfortunate incident discourages some cyclists from continuing the good habits they had taken, by riding the little queen.

To remove the brakes on the development of cycling in the city, Le Parisien reveals that the governm ent thinks to introduce in its bicycle plan, a measure mopped. According to our peers, it would consist of "imposing a unique identification number engraved, glued or welded to the frame of new bikes". Thus, if the stolen bike was found or put on sale, it could more easily be returned to its owner, through a mark made in the factory, or store.

To manage this information, the executive would like to create a national file administered by user badociations, cycling professionals and communities. In Denmark, this system has proved effective: the burning of bicycles has been compulsory since 1991 and a third of the population is pedaling.

The government's bike plan is expected in December.



        # bikes




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