Blazars, giant black holes accelerating cosmic rays


This is a great first! Scientists have managed to go back to the distant source of emission of a high-energy neutrino, this ghost particle that usually pbades through matter without interacting with it. Where does this neutrino come from? How was it detected? Answer in this video.

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For the first time, scientists found the source of a neutrino high energy having accidentally hit the Earth's Structure … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn.v5. "data-url =" / planet / definitions / structure-earth-land-4725 / "data-more =" Read the more "> Earth After traveling for 3.7 billion years, this neutrino made a sensational landing on our planet on September 22, 2017: somewhere in the ice of the Geography of the Antarctica
Antarctica is a continent that lies at the heart of … "data-image =" e / 32ec793339_50036863_bases-Antarctic-ENPI .jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / antarctic-geography-9777 / "data-more =" Read more "> Antarctica it violently struck a simple covalent bond … "data-image =" "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / chemistry- molecule-783 / "data-more =" Read more "> molecule of water, generating in pbading another particle no less strange: a muon .

The collision was detected by scientists at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. It can be said that it sparked: the neutrino has indeed hit the ice with an energy of 300 trillion by the … "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-electron-volt-338 / "data-more =" Read more "> electron-volts 45 times more than the energy produced by the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. sure: the neutrino did not come from our Solar system .

A neutrino propelled in space by the jets of matter of a blazar

After having detected the collision, the scientists of IceCube were able to determine which direction the neutrino was coming in. All that remained was to scan the sky in search of a cosmic explosion likely to have emitted such a particle.

Precisely, thanks to observations made with the telescope space Fermi, astronomers have noticed that a galaxy very particular was going through a period of intense activity when the neutrino hit Antarctica. This active galaxy is what's called a Blazar comes from English to blaze, which means blaze. "Data-image =" midioriginal / b / 4 / a / b4af33e5a6_50034845_rtemagicc-96547main-blazar3c273-hst-webjpg.jpg "data-url =" / science / definitions / astronomy-blazar-5028 / "data-more =" Read the definition "> blazar . It shelters within it a Where are the supermbadive black holes?
They are carpet in the heart of the majority of the big … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn.v5 / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / a / 1/4 / a1479ad150_50038872_trou-black-riazuelo-iap-03.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / astronomy-black-hole-supermbadive-12722 / "data-more =" Read more "> supermbadive black hole which expelled jets of organic matter, nitrogenous matter, etc.
There are different families like:

organic matter which constitutes living things (animals or plants) or … "data-image =" "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / matter-matter-15841 / "data-more =" Read more "> matter including neutrinos, towards our planet

This unprecedented discovery represents a giant step for the astronomy astronomy, an exciting new field of study that combines the sources of white light
The wavelengths of visible light range from about 380 nm (violet) to 780 nm (red). The visible spectrum is … "data-image =" "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-lumiere-326 / "data-more =" Read more "> light to other signals of cosmic origin, such as the neutrinos mentioned above, but also the propagate at the speed of light by carrying energy, we can compare them … "data-image =" /4/c/f4c81d66a7_86131_ligo-fusion-trou-noir-ligo-nsf-aurore-simonnet.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-wave-gravitational-4003 / "data-more =" Read more "> gravitational waves .

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