Blizzard thinks big, very big for World of Warcraft ! His MMORPG always seems promised to a Bright future, testify the announcements of the BlizzCon 2018: a new cinematic centered on Saurcroc and Anduin, a window of exit for the waiters WoW Clbadic, the official announcement of patch 8.1, Tides of Vengeance and finally, on another note, WarCraft III: Reforged.
But the publisher of Irvine still takes the lead in teasant seriously the update 8.2which should arrive at the beginning of next spring. In addition to a slew of screenshots and concepts that you can find below in the article, Blizzard has unveiled many interesting elements:
- After 8.1, the Alliance and the Horde lick their wounds
- Many boats have been lost by both factions
- The Nagas choose this opportunity to emerge from the depths and conduct raids
- A crack is discovered, leading to the sunken continent of Nazjatar
- Many quest suites will be available, along with rewards; include a baby mascot naga or a seahorse mount
- New raid: Azshara's Eternal Palace. 8 bosses are announced, including Azshara herself
- The patch will possibly be entitled Rise of Azshara
- Near Tiragarde will be located the zone of Mechagonfull of Mechagnomes, led by a king also named Mechagon – not easy to follow, we agree
- Goblins and Gnomes will combine to explore this area full of machineries
- A new dungeon will be available in this area: Mechagon Megadungeon. Accessible only in mode mythicalhe will offer 8 bosses !
- The story of Battle For Azeroth will continue focusing on Saurfang, Sylvanas, Jaina, Anduin and Magni Bronzebeard
- Crestfall and Snowblossom will be two new islands of exploration
- Heroic War Fronts for 10 players will disembark
- New arena: Mechagon Arena
- The vol will be gradually unlocked in Kul Tiras and Zandalar
- The dungeons of Warlords of Draenor will be available in Time Walkers
- The Worgen and Goblins will finally have new models
- Battlefields Warsong Gully and Arathi Basin will be entitled to a small graphic facelift – and it's no worse!
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