Blood Bowl: Death Zone (spin-off of … Blood Bowl) comes in early access


Without warning, the little guys from Cyanide Studio have just drawn a spin-off from Blood Bowl in early access on Steam.

Christened Blood Bowl: Death Zone The title is sold as a competitive football game in 1-on-1 full of violence and chaos. Everything will be played in real time as players will have control of their field strength at all times to move, swing and dodge as well as trigger their special skills and moves. A part of Blood Bowl: Death Zone will also be very fast since it will last only 5 minutes.

Over the games, your players will earn from XP to improve their statistics and Unlock new abilities

Blood Bowl: Death Zone should remain on early access on Steam for a duration of 4 to 8 months . The final version should by then contain "many more teams with at least 8 Star Players, many more abilities for players, a progression system for players, a single player mode and a multiplayer competitive league"

Blood Bowl Trailer: Death Zone

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