Boeing and SpaceX late for their NASA astronaut transport systems


Boeing and SpaceX will not respect their schedule. He planned a first space flight to the ISS in 2019, according to a government audit report.

The two companies that have a contract with NASA to transport its astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS), Boeing and SpaceX, will not respect their schedule, which provided for a first trip in 2019, according to a government audit report . As a result, NASA may no longer have a way to send astronauts into space from November 2019, when the last US astronauts return from the ISS to Earth via a Russian Soyuz will take place.

NASA stopped its space shuttles in 2011. NASA stopped its space shuttles in 2011 and has since been resting on Russian rockets to take its astronauts to the ISS. In 2014, it awarded Boeing and SpaceX the task of developing new launch systems to take over in 2019. But the federal independent Government Accountability Office (GAO) confirmed in a report released on Wednesday that the two companies were

Currently, there are three Americans, one German and two Russians aboard the ISS, where they usually stay for five or six months.

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