Bosch saved until 2021: the transition agreement was signed – 05/07/2018


 The Castonétois site can now rely on a legibility of four years, the time to diversify its activities, thanks to the efforts of the employees / DDM M.-H. D.

The Castonétois site can now rely on a legibility of four years, the time to diversify its activities, thanks to the efforts of the employees / DDM M.-H. D.

As expected, the transition agreement was signed yesterday morning at the Bosch factory. The unions, except the CGT, have ended negotiations on the modernization of a line of injectors and the financing of short-time work.

"After long discussions, this is a page of history de Rodez who turns, "says Matthieu Waymel, delegate of the union CFE-CGC. The latter, along with the CFDT and South, signed the transitional agreement yesterday, ending the negotiations and mobilization under way since last year to save the Onet-le-Château plant. However, "we are not especially proud, we signed for everyone," says Cédric Belledent, trade unionist for South.

Indeed, even if one of the two diesel injector lines is modernized , which represents 300 jobs saved, the employees had to accept a fall in wages induced by partial unemployment. "We are going to get 97% of salary, and suffer the loss of incentives and bonuses. Over the year, an employee will lose € 1,500 to 2,000, "adds Cédric Belledent.

Efforts that allow the investment of 14 million euros granted by the management of Bosch to change the line of manufacture of Cree 2.18 injectors in Cry 2.20. Validation of the agreement was also a necessary condition to consider an investment of 30 million euros, intended to compensate for the shutdown of the second line and diversify the activities. It will only be launched if other markets are found, Bosch considering working for watchmaking. But for the moment, no concrete project has been announced by the management and, above all, the durability of the Castonétois site is badured only for a few years. "We have avoided a plan to safeguard immediate employment but we have a vision that until 2021," says Matthew Waymel.

Next year will be decisive

This is also one of the reasons which motivated the CGT to leave the inter-union and refuse to sign the agreement. "The industrial project is not at the rendezvous. It's a competitiveness agreement without any compensation from the management: the job by a real industrial project ", Yannick Anglares deplores.

On the contrary," It's a fair agreement that allows us to continue the actions in order to prepare the 'future of the Rodez site', says Heiko Carrié, president of Bosch France Benelux. The company is committed to manufacturing "a precise percentage of the European market for diesel injectors". The modernization of the injectors line is expected to be launched in the first half of 2019, to become operational in June. The production of new generation injectors should "rise crescendo. This moment will be an important point. And we hope to have in 2020 and 2021, the diversification of activities as announced, "says Cédric Belledent.

Limit the loss of wages

" Each employee will participate in repaying 50% of the cost of partial unemployment, the other part is taken care of by the employer ", recalls the CFE-CGC. Before the agreement was signed, the unions had already considered using the collective time account and the time savings account in order to alleviate the impact of short-time working and to increase equity between all the sectors of the plant, knowing that the production sector will be the most affected

Employees will put their remaining paid holidays on days of closure.

The management will also use the days stored in the collective time account. "It can even be used in negative, that is to say, the worker owes days," says Matthew Waymel, delegate of the union CFE-CGC.

In this way, the unions hope to mitigate effect of unemployment but "the impact will be higher than expected"

The figure: 200 000

hours> of partial unemployment. The management of Bosch has already reported to the state services that the plant would count 200,000 hours off, for the period from October to March. This could represent 20 days of closure according to the CGT. The CFE-CGC tempers the statement: "It's hard to know when the partial unemployment will be triggered, it depends on the volume of order."

Jean-Pierre Floris back to the factory next week

Jean-Pierre Floris, the inter-ministerial delegate for corporate restructuring, returns to the factory on July 10, for a visit to the establishment and, one suspects, to welcome the end of the conflict. The CGT is waiting for it "with a welcoming committee. We will organize a demonstration to show him our dissatisfaction related to the agreement, "warns Yannick Anglarès.

Relocation of parts in Turkey

The opportunity also to express their doubts about the ambitions of the leaders of the Bosch group . "Partial activity does not cost them much. We are afraid that during the closing days, they will manufacture the parts in the factory installed in Turkey ". Which, in the long term, could mean no longer making these pieces in Aveyron at all.

The union has decided to be suspicious and does not forbid joining the inter-union "sooner or later for other subjects . We have maintained good relations with other unions. "

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