But by the way, what is the Linky meter for?


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"As the old meter wants to rebadure the official website, Linky measures the overall electricity consumption of your household in kilowatt hours" . With a novelty of size: Linky transmits daily information remotely. It is therefore the end of consumption surveys by a home technician.

As for bills, they must be based not on estimates but on your actual consumption. Users are encouraged to monitor their consumption in order to change their behavior and control their energy expenditure. Counter power change and contract modification are also done remotely.

Another change: while you had to wait for a technician to move within five days of moving into a home to get electricity, Linky guarantees installation in less than twenty-four hours.

Finally, faults on the network are no longer reported by users but detected by the company Enedis itself, a subsidiary of EDF in charge of the management of the electricity distribution network.

A follow-up committee in October

Despite these promises, more and more municipalities are taking steps to supervise the installation of the smart box. The municipal decree at the end of June by the mayor of Vence (Alpes-Maritimes), Catherine Le Lan, provides for a right to refuse installation by simple letter or, subject to conditions, recourse to the municipal police.

The Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, Nicolas Hulot, yesterday announced a follow-up committee meeting next October to take stock of progress and blockages. The anti-Linky operational platform now lists 634 "liberated communes" .

The cost of the replacement operation, which should extend until 2021, is estimated at nearly 6 billion euros. A disproportionate investment in the utility of the meter for consumers and its environmental impact "insufficient" according to the annual report of the Court of Accounts published last February.

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