Calanque de Sormiou and La Ciotat: hydrocarbon residues found on beaches


Nearly four weeks after the collision of two ships off Corsica, oil pellets were found this Thursday on the beach of Sormiou in the heart of the Parc des Calanques in Marseille. The information was posted on Twitter:
"Hydrocarbon pellets this morning on 200m2 of beach in Sormiou." The rescue intervened to secure the area, with a view to cleaning the future.The Park of Calanques present on site and on reconnaissance mission in other sectors: RAS to En Vau for the moment. "

Dumplings#hydrocarbures this morning on 200m2 of beach in Sormiou. Relief has intervened to secure the area, for future cleaning. The @ParcCalanques present on site and on reconnaissance missions in other sectors: RAS to En Vau for the moment.

– Calanques Park (@ParcCalanques) November 1, 2018

Slabs were also collected in the creeks of Morgiou and Sujiton, between Marseille and Cbadis. Didier Réault, the president of the Calanques Park, has seen the extent of the pollution and posted photos on his Twitter account:
"In Sormiou, beach touched by oil balls! Morgiou, calanque Audi touched! The Parc des Calanques, the firefighters and the chief of staff of the prefect13 accompany me to see, secure and prepare the next cleaning."

In recent hours, park officials were monitoring the shoreline because of weather conditions and the south-east wind could raise concerns about the potential for a return to the coast of potential tailings that remained offshore.

The director of cabinet of the prefect Barbara Falk who went to Sormiou confirmed the presence of hydrocarbons and announced the opening of a monitoring cell in the prefecture.
"Pollution Sormiou beach affected by oil pellets mixed with detritus Resurgence observed in the cove of Morgiou The Prefect13 opened a monitoring cell in the prefecture Barbara Falk, cabinet director of the prefect 13 surrendered in Sormiou ".

La Ciotat too

The coast of La Ciotat is also stained by oil slabs, the town hall has taken a decree to prohibit access to the beaches. "As a result of weather conditions, hydrocarbon resurgences in varying quantities – pellets a few centimeters in majority – were found on several beaches," said the prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhone in a statement that states that means nautical sites are set up to recover these residues as well as terrestrial means of collection. This oil pollution, following the collision of a Tunisian ro-ro and a container ship Cypriot October 7 off the coast of Corsica, had reached the coast bucco-rhodanienne October 27, affecting the National Park of creeks. Hundred
fifty liters of oil had been recovered in the form of slabs.

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