Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4 tease the weapons of his beta


Call Of Duty Beta: Black Ops 4 is coming fast, and Activision continues to tease us with its debut this time around, the weapons that can be used during this intense confrontation.

The publisher puts a lot on this fourth installment of the series Black Ops. It must be said that between the integration of a Battle-Royale mode and the suppression of the campaign mode, the habits of the players may be quite upset. The community around the license being extremely strong, Activision knows that he has no right to the error with regard to the different decisions taken. It is also one of the reasons that it communicates so much on the title, to rebadure the lovers of the series.

Will that suffice? Only time will tell. What is certain is that the development team is working hard to convince as many people as possible. If the collector's edition as well as the zombie mode had already been presented to us, it is this time the weapons available during the beta which were put forward through short videos.

Between the VAPR-XKG or the MX9 SMG, you'll have plenty to shoot in every way:

As a reminder, each support will benefit from its own beta test period.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Released on October 12, 2018 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC


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