Called on social networks, Elon Musk sends engineers to Thailand


Elon Musk has a plan to bring out the twelve children and their coach stuck in a Thai cave. As Le Figaro reports, the boss of Tesla and SpaceX had been arrested on Twitter by a surfer asking him to help small footballers, stranded in a cave since 23 June. The monsoon rains make evacuation difficult and the available oxygen is reduced. "I think the Thai government has (the situation) under control, but I'd be happy to help if there is a way to do it," the businessman said.

Read also Thailand : children rebadure their parents, 100 boreholes built

After the lyrics, Elon Musk goes into action. The billionaire has just sent teams of engineers from its companies SpaceX and The Boring Company to reflect together on the best way to participate in the rescue of children, reports the newspaper. On Twitter, he unveiled the outlines of his plan. "It's worth trying: insert a 1 meter diameter nylon tube (or a set of smaller tubes for the more difficult sections) through the network of cavities and inflate it with air like a bouncy castle ". And continue: "This should create an underwater air tunnel against the cave ceiling and take odd shapes.

Maybe worth trying: insert a 1m diameter nylon tube (or shorter set of tubes for most difficult sections). Underground musk (@elonmusk) 6 July 2018


Another Elon Musk Idea "I do not know if the flow of the pumps (to reduce the water level) is limited by their electrical power or if the pumps are too small. If so, I could deliver Powerpack batteries (integrated battery system used for the automotive market and created by Tesla) and pumps.

Rescuers had already considered equipping children with masks and oxygen bottles to get them out of the cave. But the course is too dangerous for this option. A diver died because of a lack of oxygen, installing oxygen tanks in the cave. For the moment, the date of the evacuation of the children remains unknown.

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