Candidates who answered in Breton the math test risk the bad grade


To claim the right to pbad this test in their regional language, students from a high school Diwan de Carhaix wrote their copies in Breton. The rectorate indicated that only the parties in French will be evaluated.

"It's been two years since we asked the rectorate permission to pbad the math in Breton and we refuse it" regrets Ismaël Morvan . Unable to succeed, he is one of fifteen high school students from Diwan high school in Carhaix (Finistère) who wrote their mathematics copies of the bac 2018 in their regional language. A decision that may cost them points: "evaluation" of these tests "takes into account only the parts written in French" has indeed indicated the rectorate of Rennes to AFP, Tuesday, July 3.

"Our entire curriculum is in Breton, it is not logical not to be able to pbad the tests in Breton" believes Ismaël Morvan, while the director of his high school of 380 students, Loeiz Donal, reminds that Basque students have since 2012 the right to pbad the test of mathematics in their regional language, as well as the history and geography test. In Brittany, however, Breton is only allowed in history and geography.

Petition and support of the president of the region

"There are teachers who could have corrected their copies, but the instruction was given to them not to take into account the parts written in Breton" explains M Donal "We were reminded that we were officials and that we had to correct these copies", testified one of the proofreaders, on condition of anonymity, to Ouest-France indicating that he himself "some bases" in Breton and that he did "as (he) could" in particular to correct the exercise "using to a geometric demonstration, and therefore to a very specific vocabulary. "

A petition" For the correction of 15 copies in Breton BY BRITTOPHONE CORRECTERS! Had collected, on Wednesday, July 4, some 11,000 signatures. The president of the regional council of Brittany, Loïg Chesnais-Girard, on his side "badured of his whole support" the committee Bak e Brezhoneg ("Bac in Breton") of the high school Diwan de Carhaix. In a letter to the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, he solicited his "benevolence" so that the copies of the baccalaureate maths of the 15 students of Carhais are corrected and asked " to officially authorize, for future sessions, the pbadage of this test in Breton language " indicates Ouest-France .

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