Cars. The price of second-hand vehicles on the increase


"L'Argus" magazine has published its annual survey of used vehicles sold by professionals. With an increase of 2.7% between 2016 and 2017, their price has never been higher. Inflation that is not new and follows the trend of new vehicles whose prices are rising, driven by the taste of the French for premium models.

The price of used vehicles sold by professionals reached record levels between 2016 and 2017. Last year, the average price of a used car was 15,590 euros against 15,180 euros in 2016, an increase of 2.7%, according to the annual survey L'Argus magazine .

To conduct its study, the fortnightly reviewed the data of 1.71 million sales professionals to individuals, one-third of the second-hand market. This rise is not new. The price of the used car has been climbing steadily for five years. Between 2013 and 2017, it rose from 13,985 to 15,590 euros, an increase of 11.5%, falls Le Figaro .

The nine climbs also

The price of vehicles is finding on the second-hand market seems correlated with the average price of new vehicles, which also climbed. In nine years, it has increased by 32.4% to reach 26,717 euros in 2017. An inflation that is explained by the taste of the French for premium vehicles, a larger size (SUV) and abundantly equipped. 19659006] Moreover, the market is in good health. Between 2013 and 2017, sales increased each year with an increase of 6.9% over the entire period. However, the second-hand market has stalled since the beginning of the year. Between January and May, sales fell 3.7%. What, perhaps, bring down prices. According to The Argus the used car, which runs mostly on diesel, is 3.6 years old on average.

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