Censorship: Writing the term "Taiwan" with a Chinese iPhone is a bad idea


Are the iPhone victims of the geopolitical tension between Taiwan and Beijing? It could be good. The devices under iOS 11.3 are indeed victims of a particularly awkward bug, which follows a filter introduced by Apple to calm relations between the two entities.

Taiwan is a thorn in the foot of Beijing. Chinese power believes that it is interfering with relations between the United States and the country. In this context, Apple has agreed to censor the Thai flag and the word Taiwan of its iPhone. But this decision caused a very embarrbading bug.

Some owners of Chinese iPhone under iOS 11.3, even those living outside the territory, were confronted with brutal crashes as soon as he wanted to write or use the Taiwan emoji. A problem that manifests itself in iMessages but also WhatsApp and the Facebook messaging applications. It is possible to get around the problem by changing the region of their smartphone.


Patrick Wardle, a security researcher working for Objective-See, looked at the problem. The mention of this small independent state is in fact interpreted as an error by certain language parameters, causing such extinction.

It is thus due to the filter that Apple has decided to apply to maintain its position in China. The former Middle Kingdom represents a huge financial windfall for the group. He also reported $ 13 billion to Apple for the first calendar quarter of 2018.

The Cupertino company did not take long to fix the problem, thanks to a fix in iOS 11.4. 1.

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