CGT plans another strike day on July 27


An SNCF agent on strike against the railway reform adopted by the government. – BERTRAND LANGLOIS / AFP

New pressure from the CGT on the management of the SNCF (and its customers). A request for immediate consultation (DCI), a social alert that triggers the SNCF internal procedure leading to a
strike notice, "was asked," told AFP Laurent Brun, Secretary General of CGT Cheminots

"July 27: Supervisory Board on the strategic plan of the company, let's prepare for the strike ! "(19659004) A day of strike already scheduled Thursday, July 19

The SNCF publish on that day its financial results of the first semester, with the cost of the 36 days of the strike by episode followed by the April 3 to June 28, said a spokesman for the group.

This movement, launched by the CGT, Unsa and the CFDT, had gone to the end of the calendar announced in mid-March by these three representative unions SNCF. SUD-Rail, another representative organization, had filed an unlimited strike notice, still active.

The CGT, which also went on strike with SUD on July 6 and 7, during the first big departures on vacation, will go on strike alone. next Thursday, the day of a meeting between employers and unions to negotiate the national collective agreement (NCC) of the railway branch.

Arm wrestling around the future national collective agreement

Moreover, CGT, Unsa, SUD and FO (representative union in the railway branch) sent Wednesday a joint letter to the president of the national joint committee charged with negotiating this NCC.

The unions underline that the "two hours of exchanges", during the employer-unions-government round table on June 15, "did not completely dispel (their) fears" about the "commitments" of employers to build a "high-level NCC".

Ci the topics to be negotiated, such as "job security, career development", the signatories also consider it necessary to "reopen a number of already negotiated components" since the launch of discussions on this NCC in late 2013. For example the employment contract or the training, for which there exist "significant differences" between "the branch and the GPF".

Having his "own step", the CFDT did not sign this mail which according to her "omits certain demands ", as social protection," while citing claims that are not his, "explained to AFP Sébastien Mariani, deputy secretary general of the CFDT Cheminots.

>> See also: Why the strike at the SNCF may be very long

>> To read also: "Now, that's enough!" … The strike at the SNCF disrupts departures on vacation

>> See also: SNCF strike: Towards a new day e action Thursday, July 19

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