Chantiers de Saint-Nazaire resume their old name of "Atlantic Shipyards"


The Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire, who had made the promise during his visit to the site of Saint-Nazaire on 14 June. The resumption of the historical name was confirmed Tuesday at the end of the General Assembly of the company.

The name "Chantiers de l'Atlantique" was born in 1955 after the merger of workshops and construction sites of the Loire and Chantiers de Penhoët. He had been lost in 2006, when the sale of shipyards to the Norwegian group Aker Yards by Alstom.

The shipyard order book is filled with no less than eleven ships to be built, six for the Italian shipowner MSC and five for the US shipowner RCCL.

Atlantic Building is owned 84.3% by the French State, 11.7% Naval Group, 1.6% by local businesses (COFIPME) and in the coming weeks by employees up to 2.4%. In accordance with the Franco-Italian agreement of September 2017, the Italian group Fincantieri come to the capital once the necessary authorizations have been obtained

 The new logo of the Chantiers de l'Atlantique. - No (e) [19659006] The new logo Chantiers de l'Atlantique </span></figcaption>
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