Christian Horner (Red Bull): "We pay these engines millions …" – Hungarian Grand Prix 2018 – Formula 1


GRAND PRIX OF HUNGARY – Max Verstappen (Red Bull) broke down when he retired from the 6th of 70 laps on Sunday at the Hungaroring. His boss Christian Horner recalled that Red Bull pays dear for unreliable Renault engines.

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By vying for Red Bull in the sixth round of the Hungarian Grand Prix, Max Verstappen exploded with rage on the radio. "I do not give a damn if this engine explodes! It's a damn bading shit, permanently!"

The Dutchman abandoned this year for other reasons to Sakhir (gearbox ), Bakou (accident) and Silverstone (brakes), but the Renault engine caused him some serious disappointments in the tests.

The first technical conclusion is that the MGU-H from Viry-Châtillon dropped the Dutchman, then fifth.

           "I'm not going to add any more, but we're paying millions for these engines, for a first-clbad, top-notch, and we see that it's clearly below that, so it's frustrating." reacted Christian Horner, the team director of RBR. "It's like that, we'll let Cyril [Abiteboul, le directeur d’équipe de Renault Sport Racing] see us to apologize."

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