Christophe Urios will leave the CO at the end of the season – 23/07/2018



 Pierre-Yves Revol and Christophe Urios will be separated again as in 2005./ Photo DDM Emilie Cayre

Pierre-Yves Revol and Christophe Urios will again separate as in 2005. Photo DDM Emilie Cayre.

The fans were afraid of him. Christophe Urios will not continue the adventure with the Castres Olympic champion of France at the end of his contract at the end of this season.

It was felt coming. The hesitation of Christophe Urios to extend his contract at the head of the Castres Olympique at the end of this next season despite the guarantees finally obtained from President Revol was fearing this outcome. It was made official last night via a press release on the club's website. The sports director, who arrived three years ago at the head of the team he led to the title of French champion a few weeks ago, will leave the club at the end of the season.

"After discussions the two parties considered that the conditions for a contract extension could not be fulfilled within a timeframe compatible with the preparation of the club's future sport, the club said. this communique published "in common". The Castres Olympique and Christophe Urios intend now to make every effort to ensure that the last year of the CO manager's contract takes place in the best possible conditions. "And CO President Pierre-Yves Revol said:" Christophe Urios has already achieved the goal he had set himself by returning to the CO: to be champion of France. It has therefore significantly impacted the history of the club. I know that he will make every effort this season to leave an even stronger footprint and I do not doubt that he will then find a new challenge to match his qualities. "

For his part, Christophe Urios specified in this statement "that he understood that the questions he still had about his future were not compatible with the management requirements of the club". "My priority, he continued, is to complete the last year of my contract as best as I can. I live a very strong period of my career in a club that I like a lot and to which I want to give the maximum to the end. For the rest, I'll tell you later. "

Throughout the season, Christophe Urios conditioned his contract extension to guarantees concerning the future of the club, particularly in terms of resources devoted to training and training. recruiting so that the club can continue to fight with his weapons against the big stables of the Top 14. Pierre-Yves Revol finally satisfied him at the end of June. No doubt too late. Because in the meantime, the CO has been champion of France. "It is true that before the final phase I said that the ball was in the camp of President Pierre-Yves Revol because there were questions, important for me, about the evolution of the club. I saw the president last night. And I thought giving an answer in the wake. But today, even if I do not have all the answers, I feel that the club is going in the direction that I would like, be it in terms of strengthening structures and staff, as well as recruitment. I think we made a very good recruitment and that goes in the sense that I had imagined, simply to be effective, declared Urios in our columns on June 28th. The ball is in my court, I am at the back of the course and I have to return the ball. I have energy for next season because there are challenges ahead. But after I do not know. We have already been champion this season. Now I have to wonder what I want to do to myself. "But this indecision has lasted too long in the eyes of President Revol who must anticipate the future of the club. Especially since in addition to a staff to find (rumors Marc Liévremont and Raphaël Ibanez circulated recently, see also page 7), he will also manage a string of players at the end of the contract at the end of the season many of whom came for or in the suitcases of Christophe Urios

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