Christopher Froome invited to stay at home


Courageously, the organizers of the Great Loop decided to challenge the controversial challenger, after an abnormal control at the Vuelta, last September.

Christopher Froome is aiming for a fifth yellow jersey but the Briton will know Wednesday s' he is authorized to take the start of the Tour de France next Saturday in Noirmoutier (Vendée).

According to the newspaper Le Monde, Amaury Sport Organization (ASO), owner of the Tour de France, tries to prevent Christopher Froome from taking the start of his race. The organizers sent a letter to the Sky team, forbidding him to align Froome to protect his image. In the rules of the Tour de France (article 29), the organizers have the possibility of refusing participation in a team or one of its members whose presence would be likely to damage the image or the reputation of ASO or the test

"ASO's position is political, courageous and logical," said Marc Madiot, President of the National Cycling Line and Manager of Training …

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