Clermont recovers, Toulouse and the Racing are exploding


The leader Clermont has won this Saturday at home against Castres (41-6), opening the 8th day of Top 14. Racing against Pau (48-28) and Toulouse against Perpignan (36-18) have offered show as Agen and Grenoble neutralized each other.

Clermont – Castres: 41-6

Alivereti Raka. Photo Thierry ZOCCOLAN / AFP

Alivereti Raka. Photo Thierry ZOCCOLAN / AFP

The leader confirms his status. Beaten three weeks ago by La Rochelle, Clermont won against the French champion Castres (41-6) and regains success in the league after two successful European sessions.

Twenty minutes in the first half was enough for the Jaunards to make the score. On a beautiful opening at the foot of Lopez, Penaud recovered under the posts and opened the mark (10th, 7-3).


The Uruguayan captain of Castres Rodrigo Capo Ortega, crowned French champion for the second time in June, tied Saturday the record of matches played in Top 14, held so far by another second line, Thibaut Privat (2001-2017).

Holder Saturday against Clermont, this historical figure of the CO, he joined in 2002, winner of the championship in 2013 and 2018, now has 342 meetings of the elite to his credit.

Slimani and Stroe excluded for ten minutes, the spaces were well exploited by Clermont to 14 against 14. A long pbad of Laidlaw rebounded before Betham, which would double the score at the end of the line (24th, 14-3).

Four minutes later, Raka broke through the defense after a poorly received candle by one of his teammates and put Clermont in the shelter (21-3).

Worry for Lamerat

Better in the match later, Castres however failed to materialize. The ASM even saved test-set trials twice, with an iron defense (56th, 58th).

Cancoriet ensured the offensive bonus for the Auvergnats (70th, 34-6), on an action where Lamerat remained long minutes on the ground, victim of an involuntary knee of a Castrais, before going out, conscious, on stretcher under the applause of Marcel-Michelin.

Rugby / Top 14: big fright in Clermont with the evacuation on a stretcher of Lamerat, who took an involuntary knee of a Cat in the back of the head #ASMCO

– (@SportsAuvergne) October 27, 2018

Yato punctuated the festival after the siren on a dazzling acceleration (41-6) and Clermont ended the match on a new bonus victory, the fourth on four at home this season, to resume his lead in the top of the Top 14.

Racing 92 – Pau: 48-28



Bad luck for Pau, the victory for Racing. Les Palois had the misfortune to lose their two openers Hastoy and Slade, both out of injury before the half hour of play.

The Bearnais, before that, had nevertheless well trapped the Parisians. A one-two between Daubagna and Stanley for a try of the first one had ideally launched them (2nd, 0-7).

The captain of Pau offered himself a double on a Hastoy service, putting Racing 92 at the foot of the wall (15th, 3-14).

The Blue and White woke up before the break and were going to take advantage of the bad luck with their opener to get back into it.

The awakening of Racing knocks Pau

Chat (18th), Joseph (24th) and Volavola on a sublime interception (37th) allowed Racing to pbad in front of the break (24-14).

Bouchet sounded the charge in Pau (48th), but the efforts Bearn were still annihilated by the high-speed actions of Racingmen.

Vakatawa, well served by Volavola then Imhoff, more prompt after a foot launch, gave a large advantage to the Parisians (41-21).

The Palois Nicot reduced the score after a nice feint in front (41-28, 65th), but Imhoff scored a doubled on a new acceleration (48-28, 77th).

Insufficient to get an offensive bonus but a result synonymous with 5th home win for the Racingmen.

Agen – Grenoble: 9-9

Photo Nicolas TUCAT / AFP

Photo Nicolas TUCAT / AFP

In front of so much stake, there was not a lot of game between Agen and Grenoble. Perpignan already clinched, the two clubs are on the front row for the second jump to the Pro D2.

The match was thus summarized to a duel of scorers (9-9). Former Briviste and neo-Grenoblois Germain scored three penalties, including the last after the siren, as did his Agen counterpart McIntyre.

Agen therefore makes a bad deal by conceding the draw against a direct competitor for maintenance but a little head up after three defeats in a row.

Grenoble will be able to savor these two points taken outside, which allows him to keep his distance with the red zone where is always Agen.

Perpignan – Toulouse: 18-36

Photo Raymond ROIG / AFP

Photo Raymond ROIG / AFP

Perpignan definitely does not succeed. The Catalans held a period against Toulouse, before inexorably releasing physically before the power of the Red and Black.

The USAP scored first thanks to Lam (8-3, 20th) and even returned to the locker room at the top (11-10) despite a try Colby (39th).

Triplet of Dupont

But the second period was going to be that of Antoine Dupont. The young Toulouse scrum half, back from his serious knee injury, scored a hat-trick!

Each time thanks to his canes of fire, Dupont pierced the Perigordian defense (48th, 65th, 77th) and put his vis-à-vis to go scoring.

Tolofua (52) had also gone from his own and Toulouse had then largely taken off (11-36, 77th) and insured his offensive bonus.

Perpignan saved the honor by putting his first points of the second period by Eru (18-36, 79) but ended the home encounter empty-handed and still without a win in the Top 14 after 8 days …

Posted on 27/10/2018 at 16:44
                                                                |Update about 1 hour ago

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