Cloud makes an appearance in pictures


 Final Fantasy VII Remake: new images escape from a presentation

Highly anticipated by many fans of the series, Final Fantasy VII Remake suffers from a chaotic development that made it disappear radar screens since the Sony conference at E3 2015. Today, the game resurfaced in the form of some small images that were shown during a conference dedicated to the Unreal Engine 4, since it is this engine which serves to develop the remake. On the video posted on the official account of the Japanese graphic engine Epic Games, we see a small session of motion capture to animate Cloud, the hero of Final Fantasy VII. All this remains thin, but it proves that development continues. Final Fantasy VII Remake will be released on PC and PS4 as chapters at a date still unknown.

New development pics of FF7 Remake. The fireworks shot might not be from it though. These pics came from a presentation unrelated to FF7R that Visual Works did in conjunction with UE4. #FFVIIRemake # FF7R

– bazztek (@_bazztek) July 9, 2018

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