Cocoa, soy and palm oil responsible for deforestation


FOOTPRINT. Of course, by exporting its agricultural surpluses, France contributes to feeding the world. But the opposite is just as true. Agricultural imports mobilize 14.8 million hectares worldwide. It is a quarter of the surface of the Hexagon, half of its useful agricultural area (UAA)! By peeling customs declarations, evaluating the forest situation in exporting countries and considering the framework of agricultural production in these countries, the WWF estimates that 5.1 million hectares of forest have been razed to make way to crops that meet our annual needs. At the top of responsible products, there is no surprise palm oil, but two other crops have a less known and publicized responsibility: soy and cocoa.

By product, imported deforestation. © WWF

The responsibility for palm oil fields in the destruction of the natural environments of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea is well documented and is the subject of an international mobilization of industrialists and states to impose the arrest of Deforestation. However, the situation on the ground is still not under control because of a large number of small planters and the difficulty of building a reliable cadastre. Also 84% of the 1 million tonnes imported annually are at high risk of coming from deforested areas.

Soy-free no eggs or chicken bads

BREEDING. The risk of soy is less well known. And for good reason: it is not consumed directly in the plate while every European consumes 61 kilos per year without knowing it. The nearly 5 million tonnes that land annually in Breton ports are used for animal feed, primarily pigs and poultry. Producing 1 kg of chicken requires 800 to 900 grams of soybeans and egg production is highly dependent on this legume imported from Argentina and Brazil, two countries where this plant has colonized millions of hectares of natural areas. The recent import of soybeans for biofuel production exacerbates the risk. 73% of imported soy is therefore at risk of deforestation.

Finally, cocoa is an important factor in the destruction of forests. The growing demand for chocolate at 2% per year is making world production flirt with 4 million tonnes, of which France imports 10%. 70% of the tonnages of beans come from Ivory Coast and Ghana. While cocoa is a shade plant, growing in full sun has been preferred to increase yields. As a result, the equatorial forest that completely covered southern Côte d'Ivoire has completely disappeared, with the exception of a few national parks that are still under threat. A recent report by the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) highlights that a cocoa "zero deforestation" can not be guaranteed given the growing conditions of this tree. The 57% risk of deforestation in the study is likely to be underestimated.

The production of wood and pulp is more responsible and sustainable

SHOES. Behind this trio, the other four products badyzed present contrasting situations. Hevea is at high risk but on reduced imports. The study tells us, however, that natural rubber is part of a quarter of the tires of individual cars and not just for commercial tires. Beef and its by-product leather pose a lower risk because the majority of imports come from countries where the risk of deforestation is low. But the commercial channels of the skins for the often complex shoes must make cautious on the results. Finally, wood and pulp are important import items, but the risk is low for two reasons: imports from tropical countries are limited and reserved for special uses such as garden furniture. Lumber and pulp come mainly from the European Union and are largely covered by the labels guaranteeing the sustainable management of exploited forests.

Individual and collective responsibilities

MEAT. For its part, and on similar data, the badociation Envol Vert has endeavored to calculate the individual footprint of each French. The badociation arrives at a result of 352m² of forests destroyed on average to meet the needs of a consumer lambda. The badociation also committed itself to the calculation of the spared surfaces if the mode of consumption changed. Thus, with a strict vegetarian diet and with a great vigilance on the purchased products, the footprint can go down to 44 m². Without going so far, cutting meat consumption by half means you can reduce your "forest footprint" by a third.

The individual imprint of each Frenchman in the imported deforestation. © Green Flight

In addition to consumer action, the reduction in imported deforestation also falls to public policies. Last July, the government put in public consultation its "strategy to fight against imported deforestation". Creation of labels, incentive to grow soy in France with the protein plan, cooperation with the countries of the South to fight against deforestation, monitoring of supply chains, commitment of companies, these are the tools implemented by France which should be unveiled in the course of November. It will then remain to evaluate the effectiveness of a plan that is not binding for economic actors.

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