Consternation in a small village of Haute-Saône, the incendiary had started fires for 5 years


Broye-les-Loups-et-Verfontaine, France

The gendarmes of Haute-Saone on Monday arrested a 54-year-old man in a small village in Haute-Saone near Gray .. He was placed on guard at sight and a recognized to be the author of 8 of the 14 fires which occurred in 5 years in the small village of Broye les Loups, small commune of 124 inhabitants located in the West of the department near the Cote-d'Or

Since 2005, sheds and barns have caught fire in the village in 5 years the gendarmerie has recorded 14 arson in this small village. Since 2013 it was the misunderstanding in this small town, no one understood who could burn voluntarily buildings in such a close area, and why. The arrest of a resident of the village Monday with a lighter in the pocket while a fire had just left finally raises more questions than it brings any answer.

This 54-year-old man, married and father of 4 children arrived in the village in 2000. For some years he was unemployed. He was until now known by the gendarmes for acts of domestic violence.

Always the same mode of operation.

The fires were always lit in a very limited area, close to his home. The neighbor's barn, and even his own barn, to try to exculpate himself. On three occasions since arriving in the village, his barn has burned. The fires were very often in pairs. Using a lighter, he lit papers or cardboard, either in a place where was stored wood or straw.

 The barn of the arrested man, also burned three times. - Radio France
The barn of the arrested man, also burned three times © Radio France
                            – Jean-Francois Fernandez

A discreet surveillance by the gendarmes.

For some time, both the people of the village and the gendarmes had doubts about this individual, but nothing so far allowed bind it to these unexplained volunteer fires. Monday, July 23, 2018 gendarmes in civilian clothes carry out a discreet surveillance near the home of the fifties. While the fire has just taken in the back of the barn of his neighbor, the gendarmes call him nearby, moreover he has a lighter in his pocket.

 The door of the barn of the neighbor, we still see the traces of the previous fire. - Radio France
The door of the neighbor's barn, we can still see the traces of the previous fire. © Radio France
                            – Jean-Francois Fernandez

Placed in police custody, the man finally admitted to being the author of 8 of the 14 volunteer fires since 2013, including that of his own barn. That day, he had set fire to a neighbor's barn, and to clear himself had burned his own with vehicles inside!

This Wednesday, July 25, 2018, the individual was indicted for "violence by destruction by dangerous means" and placed in custody in the evening.

No explanation for these acts.

Man is incapable of explaining his acts, he just speaks of "impulses" . Instruction should now define the psychological and psychiatric profile of this man. He will be tried at a correctional hearing in Vesoul, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

 The barn of the incendiary, redone after a previous fire, it remains now only the walls and burnt beams - Radio France
The barn of the incendiary, redone after a previous fire, it remains more now than the walls and burnt beams © Radio France
                            – Jean-Francois Fernandez

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