Corsica: Jacqueline Gourault evokes "political prisoners", before rectifying


The "Madame Corse" of the government Jacqueline Gourault Tuesday mentioned the recent rapprochement in Corsica of "political prisoners", a term dear to the nationalists, drawing with this slip, despite a rapid retrogression on Twitter, criticism and criticism. ironic comments.

"There have recently been political prisoners who have been brought closer to Corsica," the minister told the Minister of the Interior on France Inter to a question about the criticism addressed to the government by the president of the Corsican executive Gilles Simeoni, the day after a meeting of the latter with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe.

A little later, on his Twitter account, the minister made a clarification: "Of course, I do not I do not like the expression + political prisoners +! These are common law detainees. The reconciliations are done on a case by case basis, the Chancellery examines each of the files one by one ".

In Ms. Gourault's entourage, it is explained that she "made a small mistake in language by using the expression + political prisoners +, a term first used in the question put to her on the air" . "This does not change in any way his position and that of the government on the subject, known for a long time and repeated again at the end of the show", it was pointed out.

Asked about the number Corsican prisoners who benefited from these "rapprochement" measures, the minister replied that "there have been three recently". The question of "political prisoners", an expression used by the nationalists, is a stumbling block between the government and the latter, who have long called for their rapprochement and amnesty.

Despite its rapid correction, the slip of the tongue Ms. Gourault did not go unnoticed and provoked many reactions, especially on Twitter. Gilles Simeoni himself, questioned by a journalist on the social network, replied in an ironic tone: "The recognition by Mrs. Gourault of the notion of + political prisoners +, halfway between the Freudian slip and the involuntary hat-trick in Gramsci (+ we must win the battle of ideas +). "

The president of the badembly of Corsican Jean-Guy Talamoni, who, contrary to Mr. Simeoni, had refused to go to Paris Monday to meet Edouard Philippe , for its part took advantage of the message of Mrs. Gourault amending his remarks to address a new spike to the government: "Too bad. For once we agreed. Decidedly … "

Former Prime Minister Manuel Valls for his part badured, still on Twitter, that there was" no political prisoner in France ", calling on the minister to" correct quickly " his words.

On franceinfo, National Reunion MEP (formerly FN) Nicolas Bay on his side castigated a "serious political mistake", and accused the minister of "crack (r) national unity by saying that ". President of the Patriots Florian Philippot has denounced him "shameful remarks", calling for a "rapid condemnation of the Prime Minister."

Monday, the president of the Executive Council of Corsica Gilles Simeoni lamented "a situation of crisis and blocking After an interview with Édouard Philippe, however, it helped to establish the creation of a new "fiscal and social status" for the island.

On France Inter, Ms. Gourault badured Tuesday that there was no "Corsican crisis", evoking a "courtly and republican" meeting. "Gilles Simeoni says that you need signs (…). I believe that the inclusion of Corsica in the Constitution is a political sign, real, "she said in defending the draft article dedicated to the island in the future constitutional reform.


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