Corsica: Pierre Paoli relaxed for illicit management of a game circle


Ajaccio – The correctional court of Ajaccio pronounced on Tuesday suspended prison sentences against several people for having participated in an illegal gambling circle, but relaxed for this leader the nationalist Pierre Paoli, one learned from Prosecutor Eric Bouillard.

Pierre Paoli, a member of the independence party Corsica Libera, acquitted on 22 June for attacks in Corsica in 2012, was sentenced to 180 days-fine to 40 euros for possession of a handgun.

The weapon, a Glock 19, and a stocked magazine had been seized in this illicit gambling circle that involved poker and rummy games.

The prosecution had requested, a week earlier, four months suspended prison sentence for the illicit management of a gambling circle in 2012, as well as a 40,000 euro fine, the ban on running a company for five years and to hold a weapon subject to authorization for five years.

Four other people, including his son Jacques, were judged for " participation in the holding of a gambling house ", located in Ajaccio on the Napoleon courtyard, the central artery of the city, between December 2011 and April 18, 2012.

Jacques Paoli was sentenced to 4 months in prison suspended sentence and 5,000 euros fine, instead of the 40,000 euros required by the prosecution.

Pierre Paoli, an imposing 65-year-old boxer who was suspected of having been the leader of the Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC), had been acquitted by the Paris Special Assize Court of the charge of " management " of a terrorist organization. The trial involved attacks perpetrated in 2012 against second homes.

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