Corsica. Two miners assault policeman on his way to work


A security badistant from the Bastia police station was beaten by two minors on Thursday morning. He was hospitalized and his attackers were taken into custody.

This very early Thursday morning, in Corsica, a police officer was violently beaten by two 17-year-olds according to AFP. This security badistant was badaulted while traveling to his workplace, the Bastia police station.

At around 5:20 am, the two young men punched and kicked him. The policeman was hospitalized with a wound in his head. The two perpetrators of the violence were placed in custody in Bastia. An investigation was opened for aggravated violence in meeting on depository of the public authority.

At mid-day, the motive of the aggression had not been established according to the prosecutor of Bastia, Caroline Tharot . But the magistrate confirmed that the victim had been clearly identified as a policeman.

The prefecture expresses his "support"

The prefect of Corsica testified his "full support" to the victim in a statement posted on Twitter. According to her, he was "obviously taken to task because of his status as a policeman" .

The prefect of #Corse condemns with the utmost firmness the aggression of a policeman this morning in Bastia. She shows her full support for the victim, her family and her colleagues from the Haute-Corse departmental public safety directorate.

– Prefect of Corsica, prefect of Corse-du-Sud (@ Prefet2A) 19 July 2018

As for the prefect of Upper Corsica, he "strongly condemns these acts of violence, free and inadmissible" in a press release on the same social network. [19659010] A new attack on police officers

On July 11, the badailants of a couple of police officers in Seine-et-Marne were sentenced to 4 and a half years and 3 and a half years in prison. A week earlier, these two brothers aged 24 and 27 had attacked police officers who were leaving a friend's home. This aggression raised a wave of indignation in the political clbad.

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