Crowd movement in Nice makes 30 minor injuries


CM 2018

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In France – Belgium, throwing firecrackers in Nice caused a panic. Firefighters had to take care of 30 people for minor injuries

 Football - Football - The throwing of firecrackers caused a panic in Nice. (Reuters)

Throwing firecrackers caused a panic in Nice. (Reuters)

Thirty people were slightly injured in a crowd movement caused by firecrackers on terraces crowded with fans watching the semifinals of the 2018 World Cup in downtown Nice on Tuesday night, did not they? – we learned from the prefecture of the Alpes-Maritimes.

Just before the final whistle of France-Belgium, two throwing of firecrackers at each end of Cours Saleya, a busy street in Old Nice, provoked the panic of dozens of people seated in the bars to watch the game. "People believed gunfire, an attack, some wanted to hide in the restaurant" told AFP a restaurateur Cours Saleya.

In the panic, people were wounded slightly, by falls, but also cuts, according to firefighters, who took charge of thirty of them on the Promenade des Anglais. An hour after the crowd movement, the Cours Saleya was a real battlefield, with tables and chairs overturned, belongings abandoned, broken glbad and blood on the furniture of restaurants, noted an AFP journalist . About fifty firefighters and six ambulances were mobilized, added the prefecture.

With AFP

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