Data miners find clues about deploying Fortnite on Android


The players of this platform will finally be able to take advantage of the Battle Royale developed by Epic Games

Epic Games will be able to find a new source of income. And for good reason: while Fortnite is available on iOS, PS4, XBox One, Switch and PC, the game will soon land on a new platform. And this platform is none other than Android, the famous operating system developed by Google and also the most used pbadage in the world. In other words, Epic Games will be able to federate even more new players at a time when revenues on the iOS platform are decreasing. And these are data miners who have discovered clues about the deployment of the game on Android. Information that joins the announcement of the game on the Google OS in China by Tencent

Yes, Fortnite is indeed planned on Android

Files evoking Fortnite on Android

A late release as for the versions iOS or Switch, for example, but an exit anyway. Fortnite will see the day on Android from files searched by the data miners patch 5.0 It's Tracker Network that revealed via a video that we could see the mention " Android " many times . As a reminder, Tencent had already announced an exit on the platform for the Chinese territory. It seems through these files mentioning "Android" patch 5.0 that the deployment is preparing for all players.

When we know the share of mobile running Android, impossible not to see a potential big source benefits for Epic Games. As a reminder, the game works on integrated purchases but they do not balance the game. A player investing hundreds of euros will not be stronger than another who has never spent – or very little. In Fortnite, only the level counts to show a good level!

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