De Bruyne absent "from five to six weeks"


Another blow for Kevin De Bruyne. Already injured his right knee early in the season, which had kept him away from the fields from August to October, the Belgian came out again complaining of the left knee, Thursday night in the victory of Manchester City against Fulham ( 2-0) in the League Cup.

The midfielder suffers from a ligament injury to the left knee, the club said, an injury that should see him miss between five and six weeks of competition.

No Manchester Derby

If the player must pbad additional exams this Friday to know more precisely the extent of the damage, it will already be deprived of the derby Manchester next week, the return match against Lyon in the Champions League, or the next Belgium's meeting in the League of Nations, against Iceland and Switzerland.

"I think he's back tonight, he was in attack and defense," Guardiola said Thursday after the Citizens' victory, "I hope that's what happened late in the game. . " The wish of the Catalan has not been granted.

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