Deadly shooting in Montgeron: the fuss in the city ends in a bloodbath


A chilling silence succeeds the ballet of the sirens of firefighters, Samu and police vehicles. Only the beacons disturb the tranquility of the night. Some fifty relatives of the victims nervously wait outside, on the forecourt, behind the security cordon, without even talking to each other.

Inside the G tower of the Place du Soleil in Montgeron (Essonne), it is 2h30 and the relief workers realized that they would not save Ahmed, 31 years old. His lifeless body is transported to the nearby police station. Another man is taken care of in critical condition, directed to a hospital in the small Parisian suburbs. A third victim is only touched on the arm.

An arsenal in the shooter

An hour earlier, in the sensitive district of the Prairie of Oly, Hakim, 25, shot with a pistol on a group of young people on the 2nd floor to knock on his door. He then retreated to his home.

The raid, an elite troop of police, quickly deployed around his apartment to force him to surrender shortly before 6 am. During the search, the investigators of the judicial police found a dozen weapons, including several machine guns.

At the origin of this tragedy: a night fuss. A small group is talking down the building. Hakim, whose windows overlook the square, challenges the miners and threatens them verbally, while displaying a weapon.

The small group disperses and goes to look for the "big brothers" of the city. They decide to go back up the neighbor angry. They climb the stairs and are greeted by several shots. Two victims fall to the ground. Two others manage to flee and shout. Witnesses call for help. "The one who shot is a guy who lives there recently, he settled at his aunt," says a resident in shock.

"A small group rots the lives of all inhabitants" [19659004] Forty-eight hours earlier, in the neighboring town of Montgeron, at the La Forêt shopping center, two men were shot and wounded in a settling of money in front of a café. The two cases are unrelated, but Sylvie Carillon, the mayor (LR) of the town, sounded the alarm.

"This is a sad and unhappy situation, sighs the edict of Montgeron. But it was predictable. We suffer from a downsizing in the national police unacceptable on our sector.

Sylvie Carillon adds that she has already alerted the prefect and the minister on numerous occasions, but to no avail. "We have 12 municipal police who can not absorb all the work of the national police," she says. A small group of young people rots the lives of all the inhabitants of our sensitive neighborhoods. And then we end up with people who do justice to themselves.

A policeman for 900 inhabitants

The mayor revived the Minister of the Interior this Friday by mail and made a specific request to endow the Montgeron police station (which also manages the cities of Yerres and Crosne, in particular) reinforcements. A petition also supported by Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, MP (DLF) of the sector.

"There is one police officer for 900 inhabitants in this district, details the police union Alliance 91. In Evry, one of the places the better equipped with the Essonne, it is 1 for 580 inhabitants, and when one knows that in Paris one rotates around a policeman for 250 inhabitants … Because of this understaffing, we can not act in safety and meet the expectations of the population. According to this unionist, what happens at Oly can happen elsewhere. "We are asked to set up community police, but without giving us the means," he laments.

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