Deliveroo, Uber eats … On strike, bike delivery men struggle to unite to change their working conditions


You are used to having your meal delivered during World Cup games? If you are Parisian this week, your ritual could be disrupted. And that the team of France is at the gates of the final will not change anything: the bicycle couriers are on strike. The Collective of Parisian Autonomous Delivery Managers (Clap) launched a strike call from July 8th to 15th, addressed to Deliveroo, Foodora, Uber eats, Stuart and Glovo delivery platforms. "If we sacrifice one of the most profitable weeks of the year, it is because we know that it has become urgent to unite us between delivery men, explains the Clap by press release. For several months, we have seen our wages decrease and delivery distances increase. "

Sunday, July 8th: First round of the deliverymen on strike!
– CLAP (@ _CLAP75) July 4, 2018

This movement is the second of its kind. Remember: in the summer of 2017, Deliveroo delivery teams based in Bordeaux, Lyon, Nantes and Paris organize several rallies and actions to protest against the end of the choice, left to the couriers, between remuneration per hour or the race, to make the second possibility the only rule. The mobilization will not shake the platform despite a significant media coverage of the movement. Indeed, since August 28, 2017, all deliverymen are paid in the race, as Deliveroo wished.

A fight lost in advance?

Since then, the working conditions of these cyclists would have deteriorated to to believe the Clap, and that all house confused, hence this new call to mobilize. "The problem is that everything changes permanently develops Edouard Bernbade, secretary general of Clap, for Marianne . If you are a delivery person for a platform, you do not You do not have the right to stability: your working conditions are constantly changing according to the will of the platform, just like your remuneration, your planning … And as a self-entrepreneur, you do not have staff representatives to say "That's enough." You are subject to the choices of the platform that employs you, without any other choice. "

While being attached to a certain flexibility, the Clap would like these convicts of the uberisation benefit from a framework minimum. In its communique, the collective demands a "minimum rate per hour" of "bonus" taking into account the "hardship of the work" and "guaranteed work areas" . But the fight promises to be difficult. "With platforms, discussions are at a standstill, when we meet the different directions, it is not productive, they do not care about our demands, they only delay by pretending to listen to us we Confess Stéphane Fustec, head of the CGT Commerce, who joined the call Clap. And on the side of the Ministry of Labor, we have no interlocutor, they prefer to cook with Deliveroo et al. 19659007] The origin of this bitterness: the draft law on the freedom to choose one's professional activity, which must be examined at second reading in the Senate this Tuesday, July 10. A text that the Clap denounces also by this movement. For him, he represents "the participation of the government in the perpetuation of this economic model" and the promise, for these workers, of increased precariousness

"We leave the keys to the platforms" [19659010] It is precisely Article 40 that is pointed out. This one indicates that a "charter" will have to be written and published by the platform, without consultation with the deliveryman. It will have to identify the rules that the worker will actually accept by collaborating with her. "We leave the keys to the platforms is irritated by Stéphane Fustec One could have hoped that minimum rules would be set to protect these workers, but this will probably not be the case". The only constraint for boxes: to have the charter validated by the Ministry of Labor

Above all, this article engraves in marble on "non-exclusive character of the relationship between workers and the platform and the freedom for workers to use the platform " and the fact that, even if the Charter is to unite the various parties, it can not " characterize the existence of a legal subordination link between the platform and the worker ". Provisions which, according to the representatives of these deliverymen, will make impossible any requalification in wages. And will render void any recourse in this sense carried by these unions, before the prudhommes.

In one year, 3,000 more deliverymen in Paris

But to obtain a conquest
social, it is still necessary to succeed in mobilizing these independent workers
in a collective struggle … Steven has been a deliverer at Deliveroo for a year and a half. At 23, he can not stop deliveries too long, being dependent on this "job" to pay his rent, but he still decided to participate in the strike. "Today is deplorable and tomorrow it will certainly be worse he fears Currently I get paid 5.75 euros per race.But to get a race, sometimes it takes I'm waiting for hours that are not paid, and Deliveroo has just announced that we will soon be paid per kilometer … If we do not say stop today, we will do it when? ".

The problem, for representative organizations is that the motivation and determination shown by Steven are rare among other bike deliverers. For fear of being "disconnected" from the application, by way of retaliation, or by excess of individualism. "It's a lonely job Observe Secretary General Clap. You're alone on your bike to ride miles, and if you do not do the job, there will be somebody another one to replace you. " Last summer, bicycle deliverers were nearly 7,000 in Paris alone. They are now over 10,000, according to the unions. "Platforms like to remind us of these numbers reports Stéphane Fustec They know that for the moment, we are not in a position to make them tremble."

Still, Steven is confident . "We are at the very beginning of the era of uberisation The unions have been slow to understand that we are disguised employees and they do not yet know how to respond to this situation, badysis But there is a real anger that slumbers us, I feel it when I meet other deliverers in some parts of the capital.Sometimes we will be able to organize, to break this reigning individualism. "

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