DeMarcus Cousins ​​signs at the Golden State Warriors!


Huge bomb swung by Yahoo! Sports (and confirmed by Woj) since DeMarcus Cousins ​​ and the Golden State Warriors have reached an agreement! He will sign for $ 5.3 million, the mini-mid level exception.

So he made a big financial sacrifice for a huge chance to win a title next season. The Warriors will simply line up a superstar on all posts …

The Warriors replaced JaVale McGee, party at the Lakers, by DMC. While they were in a delicate financial position, the champions managed once again to strengthen with their power of attraction and the badurance that they give to fight for the title.

Recall that it is currently being rehabilitated following his rupture of the Achilles tendon. It may not play again until January but if it returns to its best level, the Warriors version 2019 could scare …

Note that DMC has never played a single playoff game and this series should take end in April 2019.

The reaction of Stephen Curry

The 3rd splash Brother ???????. Let's go @boogiecousins ​​

– Stephen Curry (@ StephenCurry30) July 3, 2018

Free agent DeMarcus Cousins ​​has agreed to a deal with the Golden State Warriors, league sources tell Yahoo.

– Charania Shams (@ShamsCharania) July 3, 2018

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