Demba Bamba: "I went beyond my goals" – Rugby


The young right pillar of Brive does not finish to burn the stages. World champion under 20 years in June, here he is already convened in the group France. Without excessive excitement.

He does not speak, he murmurs rather willingly and against an education which taught him that respect was first and foremost silence. At only twenty, astonishingly lucid, Demba Bamba avoids the pitfall of bbadities and details the path of an express maturation that led him to the doors of the team of France.

What example did you follow to have such a trajectory?

It was watching Rabah Slimani that rocked my head. I saw him advancing in melee at every game and I told myself that I wanted to become the same. I understood that I needed to work more than others. And it worked. Afterwards, in the current game, I fashioned my own style. I watched three-quarters playing, crossing the field while supporting, having fun with the ball and I wanted to make the same gestures, to create my own identity. Honestly, I would not have seen myself as an old-fashioned pillar. Afterwards, I had to learn to love the melee.

"When you see someone in your position who has more than you, well you want as much as him"

And how do you do it?

In Crabos (junior category), I was one of the strongest, but I was put in second line

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