departures on vacation impacted by the strike


Many French are on the departure Friday, July 6th. While some take the road, others prefer the train. And this despite a traffic slightly disturbed by the day of strike, initiated by the unions CGT and SUD-Rail. SNCF is rebaduring about the forecasts for this weekend. " The traffic will be slightly less disrupted, with 4 TGVs on 5. Normal traffic even for international lines, Thalis or Eurostar.There are 7 Intercités out of 10, 3 Transiliens out of 4 and 8 TER out of 10. The SNCF explains having all done to minimize the consequences of this strike ", explains Julien Cholin duplex from the Gare de Lyon (Paris).

At the station, however, some travelers had the unpleasant surprise of discovering that their train was canceled. " The consequence of this new call to the strike, which had been launched by CGT and SUD The two unions still demand the cancellation of the railway reform, with perhaps new dates planned in July. July 19 and possibly new calls to strike in the course of August "said our journalist.

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