Descent of the Champs-Elysées: words of supporters


It was a sunny monday filled with emotion on the most beautiful avenue in the world. Thousands of French fans gathered at the end of the afternoon to celebrate the victory of their team in the World Cup of football.

During the wait, the long wait, the supporters of the Bleus have told us to be there for pride for the French team, and to celebrate the joy of being French, to wear the blue color.

In the midst of songs and shouts of joy, some took the opportunity to declare their love to Kylian M'Bappé, Olivier Giroud or Didier Deschamps. Smoke, but mostly water, a lot of water on this afternoon of strong heat in Paris. Some local residents have even suggested to onlookers to fill them with their bottles of water gracefully.

1998, 2018, and after?

Many came on the Champs-Elysées because they saw only the celebration of 1998 in images. They wanted to live the event to tell their children again, as did their elders.

If the popular jubilation was maintained until the arrival of the bus of the Blues after 19h, cries were amplified with the surprise pbadage of the patrol of France with smoke in the colors of the French flag.

The French, deploring somewhat the speed of the pbadage of the Blues, now want more. Many wish already a third star, to make again the party and to celebrate the team of France.

Thank you the Blues!

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