did the group hide the pollution?


For months, toxic products particularly dangerous for health came out of the chimneys of the site of Sanofi de Mourenx, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Among them, bromopropane, a solvent used for the manufacture of depakin and considered a carcinogen. The residents are in shock. The case was only revealed on July 9, but Sanofi had been aware of it for six months.

As provided for by law, the group carried out controls: at the end of 2017, the releases of bromopropane were 90 000 times higher than the norms, in March 2018, they were 190,000 times higher. Today, Sanofi understates and ensures that there is no health risk. The law required the pharmaceutical laboratory to communicate this information to the State services as soon as possible, however, the prefecture will discover these overruns only at the end of March, during a control. The government requires additional badysis from an independent laboratory before considering reopening the site.

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