Didier Deschamps settles his accounts with Christophe Dugarry without retaining the blows


FOOTBALL – Now that the World Cup is over, DD can clear the books. During the months and even years before the World Cup, the critics have not stopped pouring in respect of Didier Deschamps and the practical game by the French football team, from journalists, supporters, former players …

And among them, one of the most virulent was neither more nor less than Christophe Dugarry, Deschamps teammate in the world champion team in 1998. Chronicler on the Antennas of SFR Sports and especially at the head of his own show on RMC, "Team Duga", the former striker has in fact repeatedly attacked his captain frontally.

"In terms of state of mind, I 've seen a lot better "

" Deschamps takes the French team hostage ", he said for example about the non-selection of Karim Benzema in the blue jersey, evoking lies from the coach for do not call the Real Madrid striker. "He's a big, a very big manipulator and a very big guy," he had also explained, regretting the attitude of "politician" of the former midfielder. Or to claim that it was "not possible to extend" the technician beyond the World Cup.

But now with a second title of world champion, Didier Deschamps allowed himself to out of his traditional reserve. In an interview with Parisien the coach of the Blues explains point blank that he does not appreciate his former partner. And without pretense. "We lived things together so I know that in terms of state of mind, sincerely, I saw much better," he says, in particular.

"That is beyond comprehension" [19659004] And to return to one of the particularly commented sentences of his ex-teammate: "When we cross the line and there is not a minimum of respect on the human level … Dugarry dares to say that I take France as a hostage This is beyond comprehension. "

And to conclude by ensuring that soon fifty years, he has more time or desire to be in the appearance, including with men with whom he has lived his greatest joy as a player. "I see with great pleasure the majority of players.With Lolo (White), we had lunch together, with our wives, we discuss.I see Lilian, Marcel, Liza, Frank, Diodio (Diomede) … If we had to to see with Duga, it would not even be good morning, good evening, everyone's way, everyone's way, it's clear. " Yes, it seems clear.

For those who still doubted, Deschamps is very up against Dugarry pic.twitter.com/UR9PuSr774

– Pierre Chausse (@MonsieurPierre) July 19, 2018 [19659011] To see also The HuffPost :

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