Diesel prices: these deputies LR want to create a "check fuel"


POLITICS – Grumbling continues among motorists and politicians. MEPs LR Guillaume Peltier and Damien Abad have proposed this Sunday, November 4 a "check fuel" of 100 euros distributed to "13 million French province" who have "no access to public transport", a measure to compensate for the " excessive rise in taxes "on diesel.

"This fuel check of 100 euros is addressed, not to all the French, but to 13 million French people who live in the provinces of France and who do not have the chance to have a network of public transport" , said Guillaume Peltier in the political program Le Grand Rendez-Vous d 'Europe 1, CNews and Les Echos As you can see it below.

Guillaume Peltier, MP LR, militates for a fuel check on the model of the ticket-restaurant, an amount of 100 € net monthly pic.twitter.com/iZaelrxiNX

– CNEWS (@CNEWS) November 4, 2018

The deputy from Loir-et-Cher said he would be, at the demonstration of November 17 against the rise in the price of diesel decided by the government, "alongside the French who, in their overwhelming majority, are angry with see a deaf government ". But he has however spoken against a blockage of roads, considered "counterproductive". "That there is a taxation on fuels, it seems fair to me and besides all the French pay for it.But why us, the inhabitants of France of the provinces, 13 million French, we would have the double penalty ? ", asked the number 3 Republicans.

"Punitive ecology against multinationals"

He compared a person to the "RSA who receives 800 euros of income" and "a worker to SMIC, who receives 1488 euros" and who "does a few tens of kilometers every day and pays 490 euros more". "Given this excessive rise in taxes, labor income is becoming lower than the income of the badistance," he denounced.

Guillaume Peltier pleaded for a "punitive ecology against multinationals", notably via "an exceptional tax on motorway companies" which "accumulated 10 billion euros of turnover last year". The deputy of Ain Damien Abad said on RTL that the check fuel would be financed by this tax, "but also on the model of the ticket restaurant: an employer share and a share employee".

The Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire, former LR, is opposed to the creation of such a check fuel, calling the proposal a "short-term solution that would contribute to global warming" in an interview at Parisian.

In one year, the price of diesel at the pump has increased by about 23% against 15% for that of gasoline. An increase that infuriates the majority of motorists. Calls for the blocking of roads and highways are increasing, including a large-scale mobilization scheduled for November 17, which should be followed in France and Belgium.

See also on The HuffPost:

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