DIRECT – Benalla case: the two motions of censure rejected, the political part put in parentheses


AFFAIR – The day after the publication of a new video showing Vincent Crase and Alexandre Benalla arresting the Jardin des Plantes on May 1 and filing a new complaint against them, the Assembly rejected the two motions of censure filed by the Republicans and the left.

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Alexandre Benalla, a chargé de mission at the Elysee Palace close to Emmanuel Macron, filmed striking a young man on the ground on May 1: shock images revealed Wednesday, July 18 in the evening by Le Monde continue to shake the executive. Since the outbreak of the case, the multiplication of elements on the profile of Alexander Benalla, the bodyguard of the President, and the attitude of the authorities towards him have thrown the majority in the embarrbadment.

political aspect of the case is now bracketed. After a crisis that saw the majority undergo a new wave of criticism, between a LREM-dominated commission of inquiry in the National Assembly much criticized, the oppositions filed two motions of censure, Tuesday, July 31. That morning, the Senate Committee of Inquiry closed its proceedings until the beginning of the academic year

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