DIRECT. Follow the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century


Here are all of our live #ECLIPSE

20h00 : Waiting for the eclipse tonight, the full moon on the Sea of ​​Tiberias (Israel)

19h47 : ] Great blue sky in Sweden. Waiting for the moon!

19h46 : Here in Strasbourg, very cool rosé at glbad, comfortably installed in the garden of 2 banks to observe the eclipse of the century

19h46 : Ditto in Tours, it is very covered

19h46 : No eclipse visible tonight if we stay with the clouds present in Seine-maritime

19h45 : In the Somme no luck for the eclipse, the sky is all black: (

19h45 : The lunar eclipse has started for half an hour but it is still imperceptible to the naked eye.Waiting the serious things (from 20:41 to Ajaccio , 21h30 in Paris or 21h55 in Brest), Culturebox invites you to rediscover five works giving a central place to this "red moon" (including Champagne by Jacques Higelin).

19h03 : A my opinion no eclipse visible in Nantes !!

19h02 : Ready and ready for the eclipse luna ire !!!!!

19h00 : Meanwhile, far from the train stations, you tell us about your preparations for the lunar eclipse. Some will admire it from the pool, others will have to just watch it on the internet because of clouds …

16h21 : Here are three articles among the most read on the site today:

• Even Emmanuel Macron denies his "infos" on the Benalla affair. Kocila Makdeche and Raphael Godet have investigated Nordpresse, the "satirical" Belgian site that does not make everyone laugh.

• Where to look, at what time, how long will it last … Juliet Campion tells you all you need to know about tonight's lunar eclipse.

"We will not be able to return to a normal climate." A climatologist from the CNRS explains why we will have to get used to the episodes of heat wave.

15h28 : It will last 1 hour 42 minutes and 59 seconds, very precisely. The biggest lunar eclipse of the 21st century will be visible in the sky tonight. A phenomenon made possible by the perfect alignment of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun. Juliette Campion explains everything you need to know about this celestial show.

 A lunar eclipse at Lhokseumawe (Indonesia), January 31, 2018.

09:44 : The moonlitches do not are not uncommon but this one tonight is really exceptional. Our confreres from France 3 Auvergne Rhône Alpes explain why.


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