DIRECT – Pagaille in Montparnasse: 150 passengers asked to get off an overloaded train at Dax



Patrick Jeantet, CEO of SNCF Réseaux explains that two measures were taken following the fire on Friday:

> the power station of Porchefontaine (Versailles ) feeds – in a limited way – the Montparnbade station, 14 km away.

> the business continuity plan divides part of the trains between Montparnbade and Austerlitz until the situation is restored.

The RTE is currently carrying out tests to restore electricity this afternoon or tomorrow evening at the latest, via a backup connection from the transformers located 400 meters from the station that burned on 27 July.

At the same time the company is working to make the network more reliable, so that if an incident happens, there are backup power supplies.

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