DIRECT. The Blues world champions: the euphoria of the French on the streets


France wins the 2018 World Cup! 20 years later, the Blues get their second star. And the euphoria seizes the supporters.

What you need to know

>> Follow minute after minute this evening of madness after the victory of the Blues

20h02. The horns accompany the victory. Impossible not to hear them, they punctuate the songs of the supporters

19h39. "We are world champions! France explodes with joy at the final whistle. Share the emotion on video:

19h34. Some are the expense of exultation. In Saint-Malo, Brittany, fans climbed onto the roof of a car. The motorist had to go out to bring down the troublemakers.

7:31 p.m.. Time to cool off It is 30 degrees in Paris but the victory of the Blues is raising the temperature. So much so that some decided to dive in the channel of Ourcq.

19h24. Popular Liesse. In the North as in the South of France, the crowd is in delirium.

19h13. The fans let their joy burst out. At the corner of rue Tiron and Montreuil, in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, we meet to celebrate the victory of the Blues.

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<p><i> France wins the 4-2 World Cup against Croatia./Olivier Roudil </i></p>
<p><b> 19h08. the effervescence </b> Here is a compilation of the crazy reactions of the supporters in France <b/></p>
<p><strong> Buuuts! the crazy reactions of the supporters in France </strong> </p>
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18h55. World Champions! The Blues win the match 4-2 against Croatia.

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