DIRECT. The Elysee has initiated the "dismissal procedure" of Alexandre Benalla


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11:58 : Vincent Crase, the second Elysee collaborator laid off in the Benalla affair was also placed in custody in the late morning, leaders of violence in meetings by person charged with a public service mission and usurpation of function announced the parquet of Paris.

11h56 : Hello @Laurent No statement by Emmanuel Macron is planned at the moment. The head of state has also avoided the questions of journalists yesterday, during his trip to Périgueux, where he presented the new face of Marianne. The silence does not seem tenable very long face the opposition that calls Emmanuel Macron to express himself personally. For now, we have heard only the spokesman of the Elysee, the Prime Minister and some ministers.

11:57 : Hello Camille, do we know if the president will speak? It is curious this silence while the scandal touches a close collaborator. Thank you.

11:40 : Case # Benalla- # Senate: we will hear @gerardcollomb and proceed to investigations on parts and on the spot

11h44: After the Assembly's commission of laws is that of the Senate, which is preparing to become a commission of inquiry. The chairman of the commission Philippe Bas (LR) considers that "the facts revealed are of extreme gravity" and wishes that the commission proceeds to the hearing of Gerard Collomb.

11h29 : @anonymous The chairman of the LR group of deputies, Christian Jacob, asked for a suspension of the sitting, in the National Assembly. It requires the arrival of Edouard Philippe and Gérard Collomb to explain to the deputies. "We will never resume the work in other conditions" launched Christian Jacob.

11h31 : The suspension of the Assembly session was to last 15 min, we approach the hour , why?

11h20 : Hello @Michel Alexandre Benalla invited himself into the political world when he was not 20 years old, as we explain in this article, when he went to the headquarters of the PS to offer his services in matters of security. "He had already ensured the security of actors" according to the former head of the party order service. But we have no information on the years that preceded, nor on his career, nor on his family.

11h16 : Hello Camille. What is Mr. Benalla's background, training, etc. ?

11h11 : Hello @ Sazou36 you are not the first person to ask us the question. But we have failed to identify or contact the two people abused by Alexander Benalla in the images that circulated.

11:17 : Is there any news of the people who were so "abused"

11h02 : Various members of the opposition, left and right, accuse Gérard Collomb of having lied by not seizing the justice, when he was informed of the violence committed by Alexandre Benalla, as soon as the day after the events.

10:59 : Why is it said that Mr. Collomb lied?

10:59 : These two commissioners and a general controller are suspected of having copied extracts of images CCTV cameras, which belong to the police headquarters of Paris, and to have transmitted them to Alexandre Benalla, who was however not authorized to hold these images of the protection plan of the City of Paris.

10h57 : Franceinfo has obtained the l confirmation of information from Europe 1. Three police officers, all belonging to the Paris Police Prefecture, were suspended last night in the context of the Alexandre Benalla affair

10.52 : Really a scandal of State!

10h54 : Collomb should resign!

10h54 : Locked up in their ivory tower, the Elysée councilors thought that the affair would not come out. It's both taking journalists for incompetent and the French for idiots. When will these advisers do their work with integrity, honesty and especially humility?

10:49 : The opposition is ridiculous to react so easily on this kind of news

10h53 : It is hallucinating the way this case was handled by the Elysée. It was necessary that the newspaper Le Monde reveals a case that dates from May 1, and necessarily that the door to the public place, so that the individual concerned, small protected at the highest level of the State , be investigated and finally decided to place her in custody, coupled with a dismissal procedure. Otherwise, nothing would have happened, except for the 2 weeks of layoff …. Who said that no one could be above the law?

10h53 : Why a President of the Republic would have he surrounded by an individual like Alexandre Benalla even though he was visibly known as a "Rambo"?

10:53 : You are very numerous to react to the Benalla affair, and clearly, you do not are not all of the same opinion. Here are some of your comments.

10:43 : Hello @kesazo According to the Elysee, Alexander Benalla "would have been recipient of a document of the police headquarters that he was not allowed to detain ". A statement that seems to confirm the information published by Europe 1. The radio tells us this morning that three police officers, including two commissioners, were suspended, because they "are suspected of having extracted images from video surveillance cameras of the protection plan of the City of Paris, which show the scene of violence place Contrescarpe from another angle " and having " copied and transmitted the video " to Alexander Benalla. [19659027] 10:38 : Complicity of diversion of video content? Kesako?

10:40 : Alexandre Benalla was placed in police custody on charges of "meeting violence by a person in charge of a public service mission", "usurpation of functions", "illegal port" of insignia reserved for the public authority "," complicity of diversion of images resulting from a system of videoprotection ", announces the parquet floor of Paris.

10h29 : The presidency of the Republic has engaged "the procedure of dismissal" of Alexandre Benalla, in charge of mission, announces the Elysée.

10h25 : The collaborator of the Elysée, which was filmed while striking a man during demonstrations of the 1st-May, appeared at 10 o'clock with his lawyer at the headquarters of the PJ.

10h21 : Alexandre Benalla is heard since this morning, 10 hours, to the seat of the police in France, according to information from France 2.

10h03 : @Sarko cescu Indeed, Vincent Crase, a Reservist Constable based in the department of Eure, also under observation, with Alexandre Benalla, also "overstepped" his authorization to attend an intervention of law enforcement, according to the Elysée. If this man had the authorization to carry a weapon (which I do not know), he should not, anyway, be there in the middle of this operation. He was also sanctioned and the Elysée ended his collaboration with Vincent Crase. We explain it in this article

10h02 : No one seems to point out that Vincent C., a Reservist Constable, is carrying a handgun on his belt. Is it normal as a reservist not called for a "policing" mission that he carries this weapon? Is there not a criminal procedure to engage?

10h02 : According to the information of Liberation the Ministry of the Interior had inquired about Alexander Benalla, when he was a member of Emmanuel Macron's campaign team, and refused to grant him a license to carry weapons. In cause: a behavior of "Rambo" . " Benalla was very unhappy and threatened the cabinet with reprisals ", according to a ministerial official, quoted by the daily.

09h39 : Hello @ Esteban974 the events that preceded these acts of violence are not yet very precise. The demonstrators were gathered instead of the Contrescarpe for a "militant aperitif". The situation has degenerated when CRS have made way, but we do not know what happened precisely. According to the images filmed by the witnesses, Alexandre Benalla attacked a woman and then a man who was on the ground.

10:00 : Do you know what could be at the the origin of this unleashing of violence on the part of Alexander Benalla on these two demonstrators?

09h31 : "There is still on the part of the minister a desire to stifle, a desire to manage this incident politically while it is also the justice to do it.All citizens are not equal. "

10:00 : " Mr. Collomb had an obligation to transmit the facts to justice ( It is very serious " reacted on Franceinfo MP Alexis Corbière (France insubordinate), after the information of France Inter indicating that the Minister of the Interior had been made aware of done on May 2.

09h23 : "This is unheard of in the history of the Assembly that there is such a rapid reaction. Less than 24 hours after the revelations of the newspaper Le Monde the National Assembly (…) decided to choose the fastest procedure, therefore the most efficient, and that the commission of the Laws is allotted the same prerogatives as a parliamentary commission of inquiry. "

President of the National Assembly François de Rugy hailed, on RTL, the speed with which the National Assembly seized the Benalla affair, by transforming the commission of the Laws into a commission of inquiry

09h05 : "In cabinet meeting, at the Elysee Palace, the name of Alexandre Benalla is mentioned. Some people around the table consider that if in the next 15 days the case does not come out it will never come out " still tells France Inter.

08h56 : From May 2, Gerard Collomb has been informed of the actions of Alexandre Benalla, according to France Inter The Ministry then sends the information to the Elysee, where the chief of staff Emmanuel Macron sanctions on May 3. [19659049] 08h51 : Interior Minister Gérard Collomb was informed on May 2 of the violence committed the previous day by Alexandre Benalla, according to information from France Inter.

08h48 : Alexandre Benalla has abused a second person during the demonstrations of the 1st of last May, as shows a video unveiled by the HuffPost On these images, one can see Alexandre Benalla stick a young woman against a wall and try to to make fall.

8:15 am : "We are waiting for answers on the facts, and note that, until now, it is the press that gives them to us as and when. But we are also waiting for political answers, and the President of the Republic will not be able to wallow in this silence, which is so similar, too, to a form of arrogance. "

Remi Féraud, Socialist Senator of Paris, who arrested Interior Minister Gerard Collomb about the case of Benalla yesterday in the Senate, called Emmanuel Macron to speak publicly about the case, on Franceinfo.

07h28 : After an empty pbadage, Alexandre Benalla joins Emmanuel Macron's security team for the campaign in 2016, then becomes "chargé de mission" at the Elysee Palace.His mission is fuzzy but the man is seen by many occasions near the president, in his public and private trips.


08h06 : "At Montebourg, he became uncontrollable, he abused his position. And I think it's the same thing that happened there, he felt pushed wings … "

In 2012, Alexandre Benalla is hired by the firm of Arnaud Montebourg to be the driver of the Minister of Productive Recovery, there remains only one week, returned by the minister after "to have caused a car accident" Narrative

07h18 : "On the on the ground, he always did what I said, he sometimes balked at certain tasks such as the surveillance at the doors, because we saw nothing at all, but it was not mean. He is a very good professional, I can only say good. "

Eric Plumer, former head of the Socialist Party's order service, was the first to recruit Alexandre Benalla for the protection of political figures. He describes to our journalists a young man "discreet" and "voluntary" .

08h05 : "A very nice guy." Alexander Benalla, the deputy chief of staff of Emmanuel Macron, is in the middle of a scandal after being filmed striking a man at a rally on May 1. Before the revelations of World few people knew his name and his face Clément Parrot and Elise Lambert draw his portrait.


6:19 : Still according to David Le Bars, we can not "reproach an identity theft" to Alexander Benalla, but rather "an abuse of power, an abuse of a dominant position, a preemption on a service of order in which he has nothing to do. "

6:18 : Alexandre Benalla is " regularly on operational devices, he pilots different things , without anyone knowing who mandated him for that. It is time that the investigation comes to demonstrate to what extent Mr. Benalla oversteps and allows himself to badume responsibilities on order services while he has no legitimacy. "

David Le Bars, Secretary General of the Union of Commissioners of the National Police (SCPN), tells franceinfo that on May 1, "it was not the first time" that Alexander Benalla came "

6:15 : Difficult to escape the Benalla affair, in one of the newspapers this morning. Liberation, Le Figaro, L'Opinion, L'Humanité … On all sides, the press reports on the violence committed by this close collaborator Emmanuel Macron, who put the Elysee in embarrbadment.

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