DIRECT. World Champions: the Blues en route to the Champs-Elysées


Things to know about the Feast of the Blues

18h36. Dozens of vehicles follow the bus. Impressive scene on the highway where scooters and cars are trying to get closer to the world champions.

18h34. Cars stopped to greet the Blues on the highway. When we tell you that this is the madness of the return of the French team

18h32. The A1 motorway blocked to welcome the Blues. The Bleus bus enters the highway, surrounded by a large police escort

18h28. The bus gradually leaves Roissy. On images of CNews and TF1, we see the vehicle moving away from the airport.

18h22. Raphaël Varane gives rendezvous to the supporters. The World Cup is well guarded by the defender tricolor

18h18. A little patience on the Champs. There is about thirty minutes before seeing the Blues.

18h09. There is not much room left on the Champs-Elysées. The Parisian Avenue is crowded

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<p><i> LP / Olivier Corsan </i></p>
<p><b> 18h06, here we go! </b> The bus leaves the Roissy tarmac, heading south, the A1 and the Champs-Elysées </p>
<p><b> 18h The Blues get on the bus </b> The French emerge from the hangar where they are changing. to go on the road to Paris. </p>
<p><b> 17:58 The Bleus change for the parade </b> On this video, we see that Blaise Matuidi put on a suit, which may explain why the bus has not left yet Roissy </p>
<p><b> 17:54 A soldier honored by Macron in the locker room of the Blues </b> Wounded in Mali, the soldier was invited to see the final with the President of the Republic. </p>
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5.47 pm Ovation in the National Assembly Members applaud the The title of World Champion of the Blues.

17h43. The bus of the Blues has not left Roissy. The fans on the Champs will have to be a little patient.

17h41. An impressive crowd on the Champs-Elysées. The proof with this video broadcast by one of our reporters.

17h38. Calls to the prudence of the emergency services. After the two deaths and injuries of the evening of Sunday, safety instructions are broadcast on social networks.

17h32. The pilot of the Bleus plane questioned by BFM TV. The man in charge of the French team's flight found the "charming" world champions.

17h28. Supporters are waiting for them on a motorcycle. Positioned on highway areas near Roissy, they wait for the pbadage of the bus to follow him.

17h26. The Minister of Sports presents to greet the Blues at Roissy. Laura Flessel publishes photos of the return of world champions on French soil.

17h22. Children of Secours populaire at the Elysee. Like Baba-Soum, 130 young fans of the Blues were invited to the presidential palace to see the world champions.

17h20. Did you play Mon Petit Prono? If so, know that we spoke to the worst predictor of this World Cup. Here is Alix and his 5 good results on 64 matches of the World Cup.

17h10. The atmosphere rises on the Champs. Waiting for the arrival of the Blues, thousands of supporters warm up their voices.

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<p><b> 17h07. It sings on the tarmac. </b> The Blues sound "I will survive" in front of the cameras and the photographers. </p>
<p><b> 17h05 The players and the staff are on the tarmac. </b> Everyone takes the pose in front of the </p>
<p><b> 17h03 The French emerge from the plane </b> World Cup in the hands, the captain Hugo Lloris out in front </p>
<p><b> 17 hours The plane of the Bleus welcomed by a "water salute. "</b> If you do not know this thing, the fire trucks surround the apparatus and water it with their fire hose. </p>
<p><b> 16:52 The French team has landed. </b> Theft The Blues have just landed in Roissy, we expect to see the world champions come out. </p>
<p><b> 16:40 The aircraft of the Blues will soon arise. </b> Didier Deschamps and his men will return to France in a few minutes </p>
<p><b> 16h40. Paris metro stations closed. </b> At the request of the police headquarters, the RATP condemns nine stations during the descent of the Champs-Elysees des Bleus. The list can be found in this article </p>
<p><b> 16h40. Hello everyone. </b> And welcome to this live dedicated to the festival of the Blues. </p>
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